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What is the internet, really? Ingrid Burrington studies the networked infrastructure like submarine cables, data centers, and antennas that make up our fantasy of the virtual “cloud”. We sat down with the Brooklyn-based artist, writer, and technology researcher to talk about internet, magic, power, and being comfortable with failure in the often sexist world of technology.
warner music claimed my video for defending their copyright in a lawsuit they lost the copyright for
Divina proportione (15th century Italian for Divine proportion), later also called De divina proportione (converting the Italian title into a Latin one) is a book on mathematics written by Luca Pacioli and illustrated by Leonardo da Vinci, composed around 1498 in Milan and first printed in 1509. Its subject was mathematical proportions (the title refers to the golden ratio) and their applications to geometry, to visual art through perspective, and to architecture. The clarity of the written material and Leonardo's excellent diagrams helped the book to achieve an impact beyond mathematical circles, popularizing contemporary geometric concepts and images. Contents of the book The book consists of three separate manuscripts, which Pacioli worked on between 1496 and 1498. He credits Fibonacci as the main source for the mathematics he presents. Compendio divina proportione The first part, Compendio divina proportione (Compendium on the Divine Proportion), studies the golden ratio from a mathematical perspective...
"Bogus Cinderellas" can come from micronations, outer space, or parallel dimensions.
Mad Generation Loss
Author: Iván Rivera works as an engineer in innovation projects for railroads Twelve years have passed since the world record for rail speed was set. … Read more
Jízda na stanovišti strojvedoucího jednotky řady 451.
What's SAP? And why is it worth $163B? Every year companies spend $41B on enterprise resource planning software, commonly known as ERP. Today, almost every large business has some sort of ERP system implemented. But most smaller businesses generally don’t purchase any ERP system off the shelf, and most
Amiga Samplers : Budget dance music in 1990
Když policejní oddělení v Severním Yorkshiru zveřejnilo fotografie kradeného prstenu ve snaze najít majitele, rozhodně netušilo, jaký rozruch a pobavení tím na internetu způsobí. Policistům totiž ušlo, že se jedná o kopii slavného Sauronova prstenu, kolem kterého se točí legendární Tolkienovo dílo.
New diseases are mirrors that reflect how a society works—and where it fails.
In the 1960s, LSD was legally available across Czechoslovakia. A writer recounts the story of how a communist state became the leading manufacturer of a psychedelic drug.
An all-powerful government means a swift and effective quarantine but the same hierarchical system caused critical delays in containing the coronavirus. Likewise, the China model, so effective when the economy was nascent, has outlived its usefulness.
Why can’t we move past cyberpunk?
Today I Learned That Not Everyone Has An Internal Monologue And It Has Ruined My Day.
Would you believe that there is a conspiracy theory about the way we tune musical instruments? And that this theory even involves the Nazis, chakras, and whatnot? No? Then sit down and enjoy perhaps
The sunniest spot on the internet. Poolside FM is an online radio station, playing an infinity pool of summer sounds. Swimwear optional.
Ah! Ah!Ah! Ah! by Agrume
The new standard is almost here. Will it change how producers and performers make music?
Tips for composing effective emails avoiding misunderstandings with examples from the software development world.
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