sofias.' secret queendom of doom

I am new here

severak 22.11.2022 12:38:34

GitHub - andreassolberg/jso: Easy to use OAuth 2.0 javascript library for use in your javascript application.

Easy to use OAuth 2.0 javascript library for use in your javascript application. - GitHub - andreassolberg/jso: Easy to use OAuth 2.0 javascript library for use in your javascript application.

severak 20.11.2022 20:16:57

Internet Imperialism: the Colonial Age

I came across a post on the 'verse recently that referenced Microsoft's business strategy of "embrace and extend" in reference to Twitter's future.…

severak 16.11.2022 19:08:52

OAuth 2 Simplified

This post describes OAuth 2.0 in a simplified format to help developers and service providers implement the protocol.

severak 16.11.2022 12:35:29

Mastodon on your own domain without hosting a server

Like many in the past week, I have been having a serious look at Mastodon as an alternative to Twitter.

severak 13.11.2022 14:00:48

Is This the Most Crowded Island in the World? (And Why That Question Matters) - Longreads


severak 11.11.2022 23:59:03

How high-profile scientists felt tricked by group denying climate change

Politicians and scientists say they were duped by an organisation making false claims about global warming.

severak 11.11.2022 21:03:09

The Cursed Computer Iceberg Meme

this is not a hall of shame. the intent is to awaken you to many of the peculiarities and weirdness of computers. hopefully, after reading these articles, you will have learned a lot and will embrace chaos.

severak 11.11.2022 19:41:21

Towards a Greater Federated Architecture

Ideas about how to tackle the biggest problems in the fediverse.

severak 11.11.2022 18:35:35

Back to the Future with RSS!

How to save the open web, & get (re)started with RSS

severak 11.11.2022 17:29:12

ActivityPub hot take

Most use cases of ActivityPub would be better off as Atom or RSS feeds.

severak 31.10.2022 16:33:27

Recreating The ’80s Home Studio Experience

To celebrate the magazine’s 30th birthday, the SOS team take a trip back in time, finding out what it was really like to work in a mid-’80s home studio.

severak 31.10.2022 10:20:17


My Antarctica blog!

severak 30.9.2022 16:11:00

America’s Throwaway Spies

How the CIA failed Iranian informants in its secret war with Tehran

see more...
