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Helen Holmes, a silent movie actress best known for the 1914-15 serial The Hazards of Helen, specialized in daredevil stunts involving trains, automobiles, horses, and motorcycles. The "Railroad Girl" also wrote and directed.
An amateur artist and volunteers create possibly the largest snow-drawing the country has ever seen.
Na pražských Vinohradech počátkem roku zemřel člověk, svérázná postavička, kterou místní dobře znali. Muž, který většinu života balancoval nad propastí, se v mrazivém počasí ocitl na ulici, což ho nakonec stálo život. Jeho příběh ukazuje na nedostatky, kterými systém péče o sociálně ohrožené lidi trpí.
How the professional platform makes networking weird
SQLite DB Migrations with PRAGMA user_version
A very important look back at the gooey slime that was once a mainstay of 90s British TV.
Audio on Unix is a little zoo, there are so many acronyms for projects and APIs that it's easy to get lost. Let's tackle that issue! Most articles are confusing because they either use audio technical jargon, or because they barely scratch the surface and leave people clueless. A little knowledge can be dangerous.
For an entire generation, Myspace was a gateway to writing code. We looked back on the site’s code editor and explained how it led to the site’s downfall.
Psychologists say we may be losing the ability to be able to easily connect to one another
The computer built to last 50 years
Clippy: The Unauthorized Biography
John Leavitt talks ethical consumption under capitalism @ Drunk Educate
In 1995, a WIRED cofounder challenged a Luddite-loving doomsayer to a prescient wager on tech and civilization’s fate. Now their judge weighs in.
Go back to the 1990's via this nostalgic TV simulator and relive the original ads, music videos, movie trailers, shows and more!
The glittering city-states of the Persian Gulf fit the classicist Moses Finley’s criteria of genuine slave societies
One of the key drivers of Clubhouse’s current success is their exclusive, invite-only approach to its users. Clubhouse has limited the number of people on the platform by making it so that you can only join if (1) you have an iPhone (an Android version will be released at a later date), and (2) someone invites you…and boy, are invites hard to come by.
A Complete Guide to Flexbox | CSS-Tricks
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On 8 January 2021 at 14:05 CET the synchronous area of Continental Europe was separated into two parts due to outages of several transmission network elements in a very short time. ENTSO-E has published the first information on the event already on 8 January 2021, followed by an update with geographical view and time sequence on 15 January 2021. Since then, ENTSO-E has analysed a large portion of relevant data aiming to reconstruct the event in detail.
From Sogo Ishii to Yoshihiro Nishimura, by way of Akira and Tetsuo - cyberpunk remains a vital genre in Japanese film. An in-depth exploration by Mark Player.
TV Detector Vans Once Prowled The Streets Of England
Guide to math, algorithms, and code for hexagonal grids in games
Lua is one of my favourite programming languages. I've used it to build a CMS for my old educational website, for creating cool IoT hardware projects, for building little games, and experimenting with network decentralisation. Still, I don't consider myse...
Zkrachovala pozitivní motivace. Zkrachovala represe. Zůstal jen rozkládající se stát, kde se šíří nákaza a lidé čekají, kolik jich přežije.
Poezie kritického myšlení. Krátce o českých básnících a básnířkách generace Y a Z
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