Deprecated: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in /home/users/strajt9/ on line 196 Deprecated: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in /home/users/strajt9/ on line 1169 Deprecated: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in /home/users/strajt9/ on line 1169 sofias.' secret queendom of doom

sofias.' secret queendom of doom

I am new here

severak 3.6.2020 16:04:02

Archiv ČT24: Odstřely a demolice

Z odstřelů starých domů, průmyslových staveb nebo přírodních masivů se stala věda

severak 3.6.2020 10:38:27

The Rise and Fall of Commercial Smalltalk


severak 3.6.2020 09:51:23

Jack the Baboon Once Served as a Railway Employee for 9 Years and Didn’t Commit a Single Mistake


severak 2.6.2020 10:18:11

Soviet propaganda posters

Soviet posters, Soviet propaganda posters

severak 29.5.2020 09:12:14

[c][explained] Demystifying Pointers — What are they?


severak 28.5.2020 10:39:54

Rediscovering the Small Web -

Most websites today are built like commercial products by professionals and marketers, optimised to draw the largest audience, generate engagement and 'convert'. But there is also a smaller, less-visible web designed by regular people to simply to share their interests and hobbies with the world. A web that is unpolished, often quirky but often also fun, creative and interesting.

severak 27.5.2020 15:02:58

Why I Quit Google to Work for Myself

For the past four years, I've worked as a software developer at Google. On February 1st, I quit. It was because they refused to buy me a Christmas present.

severak 27.5.2020 14:13:29

My Eight-Year Quest to Digitize 45 Videotapes (Part One)

My journey to create a YouTube of memories from my family's old home videos.

severak 26.5.2020 12:13:20


severak 26.5.2020 11:02:38

Utility: Convert SVG path to all-relative or all-absolute commands


severak 25.5.2020 15:52:40

Too Young by Basement Love


severak 25.5.2020 15:35:07

Vaporwave, Revisited: A Second Look at the Forever-Mutating Genre

I’d like to start off by saying that the article I made on the topic of Vaporwave a few years back didn’t get the full picture- as a naive…

severak 25.5.2020 15:29:49

【TROPIC Λ L】​/​/​ ゴニが by NATIONAL ナショナル


severak 25.5.2020 11:37:02

The Desert Is Taking Over Dubai And Abu Dhabi, And The Photos Are Stunning

There is much more to the United Arab Emirates then the glitzy malls and skyscrapers of Dubai and Abu Dhabi. Australian photographer Irenaeus Herok has spent some time out in the desert with a drone, and what he has captured is breathtaking.

severak 25.5.2020 10:03:21

STANICE I. P. PAVLOVA - trasa C pražského metra (dokument o výstavbě z let 1971 - 1974)


severak 25.5.2020 09:58:00

STAVÍME METRO (Amatérský dokumentární film Super 8 z roku 1971)


severak 22.5.2020 14:36:41

Chesty Morgan: A Life More Than Skin Deep

ST. PETERSBURG | Today we offer a cautionary tale about jumping to conclusions, a tale about how we can go wrong when we judge a book by even the most eye-

see more...
