Deprecated: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in /home/users/strajt9/ on line 196 Deprecated: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in /home/users/strajt9/ on line 1169 Deprecated: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in /home/users/strajt9/ on line 1169 sofias.' secret queendom of doom

sofias.' secret queendom of doom

I am new here

severak 11.5.2020 06:30:19

Searching for Malik Bendjelloul – a tragedy revisited

In May Swedish film-maker Malik Bendjelloul – who had won an Oscar for Searching for Sugar Man – shocked everyone by taking his own life. Andrew Anthony tries to make sense of a tragedy

severak 9.5.2020 23:24:14

Pixel font converter!

This tool takes a pixel font as an image and makes an actual TTF file out of it!

severak 6.5.2020 14:21:01

Explain it to me quickly: did Elon Musk and Grimes really name their baby X Æ A-12?

Is it a troll, a code or an actual name? And how do you pronounce it? One Guardian staffer asked another to explain the decision ... quickly

severak 5.5.2020 17:03:25

An app can be a home-cooked meal

I made a messaging app for my family and my family only.

severak 5.5.2020 13:46:52

Historik Miloslav Szabó: Čím zlákal (a láká?) fašismus katolické kněží na Slovensku

Za druhé světové války byl nastolen na Slovensku satelitní režim nacistického Německa, v jehož čele usedl prezident-kněz Jozef Tiso. Byl sice nejvýraznějším, ale nikoli jediným katolickým knězem, který se pustil v této temné době do politického angažmá. Kniha historika Miloslava Szabó nazvaná Klérofašisti zkoumá osudy a myšlení slovenských (nejen) katolických kněží, kteří podlehli vábení fašistické ideologie. 

severak 4.5.2020 17:15:51

ILOVEYOU worm infects 10+ Million PCs - This Day in Computer History - May 4, 2000

On May 4th, 2000, at 11:29AM… the following email was sent out. Known as the “ILOVEYOU” virus, this email contained a single file attachment with the file name of “LOVE-LETTER-FOR-YOU.txt.vbs” – a VBScript file. When opened, on a Windows PC with the default settings, this VBScript ran and performed the following actions: Makes multiple copies of itself – including in the Windows and Windows System directories with official looking names like MSKernel32.

severak 4.5.2020 17:05:08

Quarantine Zine Club

Quarantine Zine Club will keep you connected to the zine community! You can share your zines, read zines & engage with zinesters from around the world!

severak 4.5.2020 14:42:01

The man feeding a remote Alaska town with a Costco card and a ship


severak 29.4.2020 16:48:24

Raspberry Pi projects - Jagged Planet

Projects made with the Raspberry Pi

severak 29.4.2020 16:48:14

J-Scope VST Oscilloscope

J-Scope, a free VST oscilloscope plugin that is as close to a hardware scope as you can get.

severak 28.4.2020 15:52:11

Yugoslavian Computer Magazine Cover Girls of the 1980s-90s


severak 28.4.2020 15:43:33

The Ghost Airline That Has Linked Cairo and Tel Aviv for Decades

Air Sinai is shrouded in mystery. But why?

severak 28.4.2020 10:10:15

Hitler was incompetent and lazy—and his Nazi government was an absolute clown show | Opinion


severak 26.4.2020 00:29:22

Reconstruction of a Mass Hysteria: The Swine Flu Panic of 2009 - DER SPIEGEL - International

Swine flu kept the world in suspense for almost a year. A massive vaccination campaign was mounted to put a stop to the anticipated pandemic. But, as it turned out, it was a relatively harmless strain of the flu virus. How, and why, did the world overreact? A reconstruction. By SPIEGEL staff.

severak 24.4.2020 09:55:45

Palestine Open Maps

Palestine Open Maps is a platform that seeks to combine emerging technologies for mapping and immersive storytelling to:

  • Open-source and make searchable, for the first time, a uniquely detailed set of historic maps from the period of the British Mandate of Palestine;
  • Curate layered visual stories that bring to life absent and hidden geographies, in collaboration with data journalists, academic researchers, and civil society groups.

This alpha version of the platform allows users to navigate and search the historic map sheets, and to view basic data about present and erased localities.

severak 22.4.2020 23:50:13


Glitch images, videos or webcam using WebGL effects. Save output as image, gif or video.

severak 22.4.2020 13:30:08

Windows 98 Icons are Great · Alex Meub

In my opinion, the UI design of Windows peaked in the late 1990s. The classic, utilitarian icons from Windows 98 just look amazing.

severak 22.4.2020 12:44:37


severak 22.4.2020 01:55:05

M.I.A. Locations - Young Indy Film Locations

This project is an attempt to locate as many of the filming locations as possible from the 1992-94 TV series The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles. This show was unique because it utilized many real-world locations, and filming took place across the globe. The show's locations are a mix of many famous landmarks from international cities & obscure hard-to-find spots. With literally hundreds of locations to find, this project will be no easy task!

severak 17.4.2020 12:26:13

The curious tale of Bhutan’s playable record postage stamps


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