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How Does a 39 Year Old Song Top the Charts Again? (Rant)
Technology gave us the dream of a cocooned future. Now we’re living it.
“I’ve fallen madly in love with a woman” – Queer themes in Tove Jansson’s life and work, part 1
And don't even think about writing "Iran" on PayPal.
The Lonely Fans of OnlyFans
What ARGs Can Teach Us About QAnon
What takes longer to build, Windows or the Great Pyramid?
An acclaimed new film dares to present the Fuhrer as more than a cardboard monster. The last man in the bunker, Rochus Misch, talks about the Hitler he knew.
Nový výzkum objevil (či spíše potvrdil), že vaše milovaná hravá kočka ve skutečnosti čeká, až padnete mrtví k zemi, aby vás mohla sníst. Američtí vědci to zjistili poté, co se dvě kočky vloupaly do jejich výzkumného centra a sežraly lidská těla darovaná pro forenzní výzkum.
Hygienici popsali, jak se koronavirus může z jedné akce rychle rozšířit mezi stovky lidí i do desítek míst v Česku.
Since the devastating explosion of a store of ammonium nitrate in Beirut’s port on August 4, Lebanese citizens have taken to the streets in shock, outrage, and grief. Yesterday the main character of Twitter was this new paper by Thompson et. al: "Cultural...
Mapa úložných míst těžebního odpadu, důlních děl a poddolovaných území, sesuvů a radonového rizika pro mobily a tablety
How the World’s Largest Garbage Dump Evolved Into a Green Oasis
The Covid-19 pandemic has shed an unflattering light on some of our society. More people than I’m comfortable with, when faced with a minor inconvenience, will loudly proffer their opinion that perhaps it would be better if some other people died. This extreme entitlement is often personified in American and...
The creator of Harry Potter could imagine the most marvelous fictional universe in children’s literature—yet she can’t imagine the inner lives of transgender people or the radical expansion of political possibilities.
Casio claimed it could fit the sounds of dozens of musical instruments into its keyboards. Maybe it wasn't totally true, but the Casiotone gave us a lot.
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