ERP beyond your fridge - grocy is a web-based self-hosted groceries & household management solution for your home. Open Source. Built with passion.
The Muppets made it famous, but where did the song come from? (Hint: a steamy Italian film...) Who performed it? And who is that fuzzy fella?
A detailed explanation of why I keep saying that advertising is a cancer on modern society.
Na Staroměstském náměstí v Praze začala růst replika mariánského sloupu. Obnova barokního památníku oživila spor, který česká společnost vede už stovky let. Proč sloup vyvolává i dnes vyhrocené emoce?
When melody, harmony and rhythm interact in a meaningful way, it is powerful and magical. It can ignite emotion and provoke thought. When listening to current mainstream music however, it becomes very clear that the place of melody as one of music’s basic building blocks, is being reduced substantially, making space for other elements, such as texture and rhythm. Television composer Yuval Shrem, who is also the developer of Fable Sounds' "Broadway Big Band" library, examines this phenomenon at length, in historical context.
Peter Kwan developed ‘Teefax’ after original teletext service was shut down in 2012
Hipster jako slepá ulička západní civilizace
Zatímco světem otřásají obavy z nákazy koronavirem, v turistickém centru Prahy funguje restaurace, kterou majitel budovy odpojil od vody a elektřiny.
15 years on, Winamp "still lives"—but mismanagement blunted its llama-whipping.
"Tanec je pro mnoho lidí nesrozumitelný žánr. Přitom pokud je člověk otevřený, stačí přijít, sednout, uvolnit se a nechat to na sebe působit," říká tanečnice a režisérka Miřenka Čechová v podcastu Petra Viziny.
The story of American artist Sarah Goodridge’s erotic self-portrait on a miniature ivory plate, given as a secret present to her lover, US Senator Daniel Webster.
V sobotu uplyne třicet let od zrušení Státní bezpečnosti. Bývalý disident Radek Schovánek, který léta pracoval v Ústavu pro studium totalitních režimů, tvrdí, že ve skutečnosti StB nikdy nezanikla. Více než polovina jejích pracovníků totiž ve službách státu zůstala i po revoluci. Schovánek Deníku N prozradil přesný počet zaměstnanců StB, kteří po roce 1989 zůstali…
Formed after a free punk concert in 1980, an influential collection of musicians, artists and film-makers including Pedro Almodavar exploded punk counterculture in Madrid – and changed their nation for ever
Podle doyena českých ekologů Bedřicha Moldana se domácí ekonomika do budoucna obejde jak bez uhlí, tak bez jaderné energie. Spalování uhlí podle něj zpochybňuje celý boj s klimatickou změnou a jaderná energie − jejímž je celoživotním odpůrcem − je příliš drahá. Budoucnost první...
A tool for editing version-control repositories and translating among different systems. Supports git, bzr, Subversion, darcs, and fossil directly, also hg, CVS, and RCS through plugins.
Do recent explanations solve the mysteries of aerodynamic lift?
Copyrighting all the melodies to avoid accidental infringement | Damien Riehl | TEDxMinneapolis
The curious tale of a man called Christian, the Catholic church, David Schwimmer’s wife, a secret hotel and an Airbnb scam running riot on the streets of London
Hi, Welcome to BIG, a newsletter about the politics of monopoly. If you’d like to sign up, you can do so here. Or just read on… Today I’m going to write about podcasting, with some observations on how a media market that is far healthier than online publishing functions. But first, a quick update on
A year later. Getting by without a SIM card in my smartphone.
Here's an enormous library of thousands of old book illustrations, with searchable name, artist, source, date, which book it was
The Internet of Beefs
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