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severákova polívka

asi zelňačka (mainly in czech)

(fork of

severak 28.3.2023 14:53:54

How to run a shadow library: operations at Anna’s Archive

There is no “AWS for shadow charities”, so how do we run Anna’s Archive?

severak 23.3.2023 14:11:57

Tech guru Jaron Lanier: ‘The danger isn’t that AI destroys us. It’s that it drives us insane’

The godfather of virtual reality has worked beside the web’s visionaries and power-brokers – but likes nothing more than to show the flaws of technology. He discusses how we can make AI work for us, how the internet takes away choice – and why he would ban TikTok

severak 23.3.2023 11:23:08

Why ChatGPT Won’t Replace Coders Just Yet

The “bullshit” problem turns up in code, too

severak 17.3.2023 12:00:50

Something Pretty Right: A History of Visual Basic | Retool

How Visual Basic became the world’s most dominant programming environment, its sudden fall from grace, and why its influence is still shaping the future of software development.

severak 14.3.2023 17:13:04

Josef Charvát a jeho doba

Čtvrtek, 12. března 1953 Včera jsem měl v poledne pavlovovský seminář. Celkem je to všecko nekonečně nudné. Už mi několikátý rok dokazují, že...

severak 14.3.2023 11:17:09

How not to design a UI library

I write stuff about math, simulation, graphics, gamedev, and programming.

severak 12.3.2023 01:37:56

r/Android - Samsung "space zoom" moon shots are fake, and here is the proof

5,006 votes and 701 comments so far on Reddit

severak 3.3.2023 13:03:28

What drum machines can teach us about artificial intelligence | Aeon Essays

As AI drum machines embrace humanising imperfections, what does this mean for ‘real’ drummers and the soul of music?

severak 3.3.2023 10:29:59

Není všechno zlato, co se AI. Jak mohou konverzační modely změnit média? -

Vydavatelé a novináři by měli přestat prázdně spekulovat o tom, které žurnalistické profese AI vymaže ze světa, a víc se zaměřit na skutečné problémy a…

severak 2.3.2023 15:39:05

The Epistemic Implications of AI Assistants

Lately, AI assistants based on large language models, such as OpenAI’s ChatGPT, have caused considerable excitement. The general idea is that you supply a problem, such as “here’s my Javascript code, why doesn’t it work?”, or “write two paragraphs about the political views of Bertrand Russell”, and the assistant will happily supply you with a solution. There’s good reason for excitement — these models are technically impressive, and they can certainly help us accomplish certain tasks more easily.

severak 18.2.2023 20:41:32

Introducing the AI Mirror Test, which very smart people keep failing

Chatbots like Bing are software — not sentient.

severak 18.2.2023 17:10:03

From Bing to Sydney

More on Bing, particularly the Sydney personality undergirding it: interacting with Sydney has made me completely rethink what conversational AI is important for.

severak 16.2.2023 17:07:30

Bing: “I will not harm you unless you harm me first”

Last week, Microsoft announced the new AI-powered Bing: a search interface that incorporates a language model powered chatbot that can run searches for you and summarize the results, plus do …

severak 11.2.2023 23:23:44

Received Pronunciation: history and changes | Cambridge English


severak 8.2.2023 10:43:52

Fundamental Math for Game Developers

Let's review the most important math topics used by game devs, reflect about math education, and discuss techniques that can be used to improve the way we learn new math topics.

severak 7.2.2023 13:29:14


Titivillus was a demon said to work on behalf of Belphegor, Lucifer or Satan to introduce errors into the work of scribes. The first reference to Titivillus by name occurred in Tractatus de Penitentia, c. 1285, by Johannes Galensis (John of Wales). Attribution has also been given to Caesarius of Heisterbach. Titivillus has also been described as collecting idle chat that occurs during church service, and mispronounced, mumbled or skipped words of the service, to take to Hell to be counted against the offenders. He has been called the "patron demon of scribes", as Titivillus provides an easy excuse for the errors that are bound to creep into manuscripts as they are copied.Marc Drogin noted in his instructional manual, Medieval Calligraphy: Its History and Technique (1980), that "for the past half-century every edition of The Oxford English Dictionary has listed an incorrect page reference for, of all things, a footnote on the earliest mention of Titivillus." Titivillus gained a broader role as a subversive figure of physical comedy, with satirical commentary on human vanities...

severak 7.2.2023 10:56:18

Font rendering philosophies of Windows & Mac OS X

Damien Guard on software development, fonts and technology.

severak 7.2.2023 10:50:41

Electronic Babylonian Literature

Tools for hosting and analysing a corpus of cuneiform texts - Electronic Babylonian Literature

severak 3.2.2023 01:55:43

Toolbox — Beautiful Trouble

Dive into the Beautiful Trouble toolbox, an interconnected web of ideas and creative best practices that puts the power of organizing for social change in your hands. Start anywhere and explore…

severak 31.1.2023 09:50:15

Proč Rusové vyvolali globální hysterii z jaderné války? Nejspíš jen potřebovali vyklidit Cherson - VOXPOT


severak 30.1.2023 00:17:48

MIDIMAN Melody Kit Version 1.0 (130,000 MIDI Files)


severak 27.1.2023 15:55:35

The Mystery of the Dune Font

Putting a name to the typeface that defined the visual identity of the science fiction series and its author, Frank Herbert

see more...
