Deprecated: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in /home/users/strajt9/ on line 196 Deprecated: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in /home/users/strajt9/ on line 1169 Deprecated: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in /home/users/strajt9/ on line 1169 Patrick Lonergan

Patrick Lonergan

I am new here

severak 30.8.2020 23:08:58

Where About Now - Mobile Churches

Where About Now - Mobile Churches

severak 28.8.2020 11:01:34

What takes longer to build, Windows or the Great Pyramid?


severak 28.8.2020 10:56:30

Hitler's bodyguard

An acclaimed new film dares to present the Fuhrer as more than a cardboard monster. The last man in the bunker, Rochus Misch, talks about the Hitler he knew.

severak 27.8.2020 15:48:30

House in the Middle, The


severak 27.8.2020 11:20:32

Divoké kočky pronikly do výzkumného zařízení, aby tam mohly žrát lidské maso

Nový výzkum objevil (či spíše potvrdil), že vaše milovaná hravá kočka ve skutečnosti čeká, až padnete mrtví k zemi, aby vás mohla sníst. Američtí vědci to zjistili poté, co se dvě kočky vloupaly do jejich výzkumného centra a sežraly lidská těla darovaná pro forenzní výzkum.

severak 26.8.2020 16:47:36

Pohroma jménem „párty kýbl“. Z jedné akce se koronavirus dostal do 34 okresů - Seznam Zprávy

Hygienici popsali, jak se koronavirus může z jedné akce rychle rozšířit mezi stovky lidí i do desítek míst v Česku.

severak 26.8.2020 13:39:42

A Hidden Tycoon, African Explosives, and a Loan from a Notorious Bank: Questionable Connections Surround Beirut Explosion Shipment - OCCRP

Since the devastating explosion of a store of ammonium nitrate in Beirut’s port on August 4, Lebanese citizens have taken to the streets in shock, outrage, and grief.

severak 25.8.2020 10:48:32

Please read the paper before you comment Yesterday the main character of Twitter was this new paper by Thompson et. al: "Cultural...

severak 23.8.2020 21:40:21

Geohazardy (ČGS 2019)

Mapa úložných míst těžebního odpadu, důlních děl a poddolovaných území, sesuvů a radonového rizika pro mobily a tablety

severak 23.8.2020 20:37:39


severak 22.8.2020 11:56:49

How the World’s Largest Garbage Dump Evolved Into a Green Oasis


severak 21.8.2020 15:10:40

A Karen by Any Other Name

The Covid-19 pandemic has shed an unflattering light on some of our society. More people than I’m comfortable with, when faced with a minor inconvenience, will loudly proffer their opinion that perhaps it would be better if some other people died. This extreme entitlement is often personified in American and...

severak 20.8.2020 15:28:53

J.K. Rowling and the Limits of Imagination ❧ Current Affairs

The creator of Harry Potter could imagine the most marvelous fictional universe in children’s literature—yet she can’t imagine the inner lives of transgender people or the radical expansion of political possibilities.

severak 17.8.2020 15:39:50

Casio Keyboards: A Big Idea, Synthesized

Casio claimed it could fit the sounds of dozens of musical instruments into its keyboards. Maybe it wasn't totally true, but the Casiotone gave us a lot.

severak 17.8.2020 15:35:47

r/synthesizers - Vowel–consonant synthesis

27 votes and 29 comments so far on Reddit

severak 16.8.2020 22:41:06

Who is behind the Qanon conspiracy? We've traced it to three people

Pushing the theory on to bigger platforms proved to be the key to Qanon’s spread — and the originators’ financial gain.

severak 14.8.2020 11:20:43

Pithart: Komunisty jsme zakázat nemohli, potřebovali jsme je, aby schvalovali naše zákony

„Národy se vyrovnávají se svou vlastní minulostí stejně obtížně jako každý jednotlivý člověk,“ říká v Interview Plus Petr Pithart.

severak 14.8.2020 10:53:44

Pithart: Komunisty jsme zakázat nemohli, potřebovali jsme je, aby schvalovali naše zákony

„Národy se vyrovnávají se svou vlastní minulostí stejně obtížně jako každý jednotlivý člověk,“ říká v Interview Plus Petr Pithart.

severak 14.8.2020 10:42:54

The Languages Which Almost Became CSS - Eager Blog

The history of all the languages which almost became CSS.

severak 13.8.2020 09:53:59

Best QR code generator - QR Tiger - The QR code generator the create custom QR code with logo

Best QR code generator to create dynamic QR codes with logo and track data for professional use and marketing, free customized QR code generator with logo

severak 12.8.2020 23:23:06

The Fake Futurism of Elon Musk


severak 12.8.2020 17:22:54

Zambia’s 70s Psych Rock Scene Produced The Catchiest Rock Anthems


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