Deprecated: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in /home/users/strajt9/ on line 196 Deprecated: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in /home/users/strajt9/ on line 1169 Deprecated: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in /home/users/strajt9/ on line 1169 Patrick Lonergan

Patrick Lonergan

I am new here

severak 3.1.2020 02:51:51

‘Jodorowsky’s Dune’ Director Frank Pavich on 2,000 Defecating Extras and How ‘Dune’ Became Part of the Cosmic Consciousness


severak 2.1.2020 15:05:32

Guide to Windows Batch Scripting - /* steve jansen */

I love shell scripting – it’s the duct tape of programming to me. Low cost, high benefit. And it feels like art, where one can learn to …

severak 2.1.2020 14:56:09

How Canada's military reacted to seeing Pokemon Go players trespassing on its bases | CBC News

Documents obtained by CBC News show the curiosity and confusion shared by Canadian military officials after the 2016 launch of Pokemon Go, which was sending civilians onto Department of Defence property searching for "mythical digital creatures."

severak 2.1.2020 12:13:47

Software Disenchantment (2018) | Hacker News


Programming is now a bureaucracy.

[1] "In any bureaucracy, the people devoted to the benefit of the bureaucracy itself always get in control and those dedicated to the goals the bureaucracy is supposed to accomplish have less and less influence, and sometimes are eliminated entirely"



That's a good observation on many levels.

For instance, I started noticing that a lot of the code I've written or worked with in many projects have a particular flavor to it. Pieces that take some data, repackage it, and pass it on to different code that does essentially the same - all arranged in a structure that's supposed to reflect some shared, abstract understanding of the problem. I've started to call this type of code "bureaucracy", and I see it as something to be kept in check.

severak 1.1.2020 16:32:26

The rise and fall of Cannon Films

At its 80s peak, production company Cannon Films was putting out more than a dozen movies per year. So what went wrong? Ryan takes a look...

severak 1.1.2020 12:48:40

This Insect Has The Only Mechanical Gears Ever Found in Nature

The small hopping insect Issus coleoptratus uses toothed gears on its joints to precisely synchronize the kicks of its hind legs as it jumps forward

severak 30.12.2019 09:24:19

The power of naming: 10 German Expressions that don’t exist in English and their Wisdom


severak 28.12.2019 00:35:35

The 14 most important synths in electronic music history – and the musicians who use them


severak 19.12.2019 15:59:28

Jennifer in paradise: the story of the first Photoshopped image

One holiday snap has been manipulated thousands of times on thousands of computers. Gordon Comstock on how a woman on a beach in Bora Bora taught the world to tinker with pictures

severak 19.12.2019 09:47:03

Řídit stát jako schůzi?

Řídit stát jako schůzi?, Jiří Guth, KN 51/2019

severak 18.12.2019 09:37:13

Works : inat

inat mapmaking wayfinding architecture

severak 18.12.2019 00:43:19

Kapitalismus skončil, braním drog se bráníme světu, říká autor Trainspottingu Welsh | Aktuálně.cz

"Dnes i socialisté bojují za záchranu kapitalismu a lidé raději volí blbce, aby měli alespoň nějakou jistotu," říká v otevřeném rozhovoru.

severak 17.12.2019 11:48:34

Kozákov / Mimoň, by Aran Satan


severak 15.12.2019 00:07:03


Exploring the culture and identity of places. His drawings form intricate familiar worlds that result from purposeful wanderings and exploration.

severak 12.12.2019 16:23:55

lom Borek potopení autobusu

lom Borek potopení autobusu

severak 12.12.2019 10:21:26

V nebi mě nechtějí, v pekle se mě bojí, tak pořád závodím, říká čtyřiasedmdesátiletý autokrosař Hošek

Papuče a fajfka? Kdepak jedna z největších legend českého autokrosu čtyřiasedmdesátiletý Jaroslav Hošek pořád závodí a prohání věkově už i svoje vnuky doma i v Evropě. „Autokros, to jsem já," řekl kdysi v nadsázce. Měl pravdu. Letos jede v bugině, samozřejmě vlastní konstrukce, už šestačtyřicátou sezónu. Vyhrál všechno, co se vyhrát dalo, na autokrosových tratích je suverénně nejstarší, na konec kariéry ale zdaleka nepomýšlí.

severak 11.12.2019 12:31:32

Gay Dating Apps Promise Privacy, But Leak Your Exact Location

Researchers in Kyoto demonstrate for WIRED how they can precisely track the locations of people using Grindr, Hornet, and Jack'd despite features meant to hide them.

severak 10.12.2019 12:51:42

How William Gibson Keeps His Science Fiction Real

Midway through his career, the inventor of “cyberspace” turned his attention to a strange new world: the present.

severak 10.12.2019 09:25:20

Kellnerův Home Credit platil kampaň na podporu rudé Číny. Využil experty i novináře | Aktuálně.cz

PR agentura placená Home Creditem nejbohatšího Čecha podle dokumentů, které Aktuálně.cz získalo, ovlivňovala média, politiky i experty.

severak 9.12.2019 22:32:20

La fabrication de Moscow Diskow (Telex)


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