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Those of you not plugged into the Mastodon community may not be aware of the predominant reaction to Instagram Threads. This started when it was merely rumored, reaching a crescendo with reports that...
Understanding Threads and its threat to Twitter means understanding the current landscape of social media.
Cement is an industry where capturing carbon emissions may be necessary. A combination with process heat electrification could be better than CCS alone.
According to this technologist, Facebook-turned-Meta founder Mark Zuckerberg isn't trying to revolutionize work. He wants to be the god of a digital heaven.
STOCKTON, CA—Cackling as the steps of the dastardly plan crystallized in her mind, local trans teen Brie Chandler told reporters Tuesday that she had hatched a nefarious plot to undergo years of medical treatments and counseling to win at swimming. “It’s oh, so simple: several years of sweet-talking medical…
Slovník zvukařských pojmů aka Zvukařský slovník
CLever Audio Plug-in, the open standard for audio plug-ins and hosts
High-quality deconvolution software for impulse recovery of reverb, equalizer, speaker cabinet, etc.
+ o čem ten příběh člověka vlastně je?
This is the second in a series of short posts about ChatGPT. As I said before, the insights are not particularly original, I’m just raising awareness of issues. In this post, I’ll explore the deficien
An analysis of a chatbot data set by The Washington Post reveals the proprietary, personal, and often offensive websites that go into an AI’s training data.
Jak se ze skupiny Depeche Mode, zpívající o nerovnosti, chudobě a vykořisťování na Západě, která by bez problémů prošla cenzurou, stal v socialistických zemích underground? Depeche Mode dodnes těží z toho, že se ve správný čas ocitli ve správné studené válce.
Roste zájem o hypotéky. Znamená to, že je bytová krize u konce? Jak moc si Češi váží vlastního bydlení? A kolik je stojí?
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