Deprecated: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in /home/users/strajt9/ on line 196 Deprecated: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in /home/users/strajt9/ on line 1169 Deprecated: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in /home/users/strajt9/ on line 1169
if you ever code something that "feels like a hack but it works," just remember that a CPU is literally a rock that we tricked into thinking
— daisyowl
Instinkt vyhýbat se zbytečné fyzické aktivitě je přirozený, totéž dělaly spousty generací lidí. Naši předci sice byli fyzicky aktivní, ale nikdo z nich nezvedal činky, říká profesor evoluční biologie z Harvardovy univerzity a autor knihy o vývoji cvičení Daniel Lieberman. Proč dodnes věříme, že člověk je předurčen k tomu, aby chtěl cvičit, a že naši předci…
How in 1982, the author successfully hacked his way out of having to fill in potholes.
A fun mini-game about pop-ups and the deviousness of websites and apps
Jak psát česky o nebinárních lidech?
Mastering to Cassette Tape
How to Master a Song at Home (in 14 Easy Steps)
Master criminal Rédoine Faïd loved the movies, and his greatest crimes were laced with tributes: to "Point Break," "Heat," and "Reservoir Dogs." When he landed in a maximum-security prison, cinema provided inspiration once again.
Tenhle článek píšu hlavně pro své budoucí já. A vám jsem ho nasdílel abyste si dali pozor na sebe i vaše okolí. Je to trošku nepříjemná…
The developer community's issues with VCV's toxic environment were hidden by VCV, so I'm discussing on my site instead what I'll create next.
A client recently asked if it was possible to create a green website. The answer is a little more complicated than you’d expect.
ASSIGNED (bugmail) in Core - DOM: Service Workers. Last updated 2021-04-28.
Sang. That's the recent buzzword more and more young Chinese are using to describe themselves.
Vladislav Ivanov says he regretted his decision to join Produce Camp 2021 but fans refused to vote him out
At first glance, it’s hard to know what’s happening in this picture. A giant mushroom seems to have sprouted in a factory floor, where ghostly men in...
Objevení psychických účinků LSD švýcarským chemikem Albertem Hofmannem v roce 1943 nese mnoho rysů zakladatelského mýtu. Je to příběh o sjednocení vědy a spirituality, člověka a...
Mac Chimes of Death
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