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I've been working on a five-stage story design model. I remembered that there were five stages of grief in the Kübler-Ross model, and wondered how my system would map to them. Surprise! It maps very well.
Rebecca Solnit a Arundhati Roy: jaké pravdy odhalila současná pandemie koronaviru
Contact Tracing in the Real World
Analog Tape vs Digital Recording: Which sounds better?
𝕬𝖚𝖋𝖍𝖔𝖈𝖐𝖊𝖗 - In The Name Of The Father, by Aufhocker
České firmy nedávno přišly o polské zaměstnance. Drtivá většina se jich totiž kvůli zpřísnění podmínek na hranicích vrátila do své vlasti. Ti, co zůstali, mohou už víc než dva týdny se svými rodinami komunikovat jen pomocí telefonu nebo sociálních sítí. My vám teď ale ukážeme úsměvný příběh jednoho z nich.
On Thursday, April 4th, 1985, a blast of dystopian satire hit the UK airwaves. Max Headroom: 20 Minutes into the Future was a snarky take on media and corporate greed, told through the eyes of...
Quarantined: When Taiwan’s Phone Tracking System Goes Awry
How to save hours by trimming videos without reencoding or rerendering.
Ten Infamous Creepypastas Based on a Single Terrifying Image
Real Life is full of examples of Gargle Blasters that people actually drink. That being said, their inclusion on this page probably means that you really shouldn't be drinking any of them — several of these are downright dangerous, and the …
Performance Art: On Sharing Culture
Ospevované fabriky vytvorili na Zemplíne trojuholník smrti, ktorý straší dodnes. Aj odkaliskom s najväčším obsahom toxických látok na svete.
Covid-19 is showing us that when humanity is united in common cause, phenomenally rapid change is possible. None of the world’s problems are technically difficult to solve; they originate in human disagreement. In coherency, humanity’s creative powers are boundless.
Dnešni medyjalni svět nas zaměrně přehlcuje informacema, abyzme z teho byli zblbnuti. Děla to proto, že mu to kdosik takto naplanoval, nemožete se na něho za to zlobit.
You may have see that some FaceBook Live posts look better than others. More like they are shot in a studio and not on a cell phone. Well, t...
The most important design object of our time was more than a century in the making.
Rise of The Doomer: Why So Many People Are Giving Up
Korg Volca Jam #03 | Volca - Beats, Bass, Keys | Yamaha MT100
A virtual Birthday Party This is the story of how my friends and I made a custom app for a virtual birthday party during the coronavirus pandemic. Just want to use it or see the code? Skip to the bottom of the page or visit Github or An idea is born As I write this, it’s March and I am living in New York City, cooped up in my small studio apartment.
Collections: Why Don’t We Use Chemical Weapons Anymore?
Today, in response to a tweet talking about old untitled song ideas, I mentioned that I had a strange file called “t.mp3” sitting in my downloads folder that had been there for years and have no attached metadata or hint as to where it came from. It appeared to be a complete recording of a chiptune song, and it sounded very nice, but I had no way of knowing the original source.
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