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Discover SUIMA's portfolio to see their artwork and achievements.
an informal documentation for implementing logic circuit using SunVox
Drawing a line art imitation of one of demoscene favorite Boris Vallejo's fantasy paintings using only four colors.
S politologem Jakubem Lyskem jsme hovořili o tom, co Fialova vláda neudělala pro strukturálně znevýhodněné regiony, jakou roli mohou regionální rozdíly hrát v krajských volbách či o vztahu mezi korupcí a periferií.
S politologem Jakubem Lyskem jsme hovořili o tom, co Fialova vláda neudělala pro strukturálně znevýhodněné regiony, jakou roli mohou regionální rozdíly hrát v krajských volbách či o vztahu mezi korupcí a periferií.
The Turkish newspaper Hürriyet reports a tragic consequence of the failure to localize cell phones.
Pavel Durov and the BlackBerry Ratchet
These pages reflect my visual fantasies on dsp mathematics and applications. Visualisation helped me through complicated topics, like how to write an FFT program. Academic rigour not pretended, enjoy at your own risk....
I’ve been watching the shifting sentiments towards the tech industry for some while now, and it’s funny - they’ve shifted so much, and so quickly, that even people in the startup ends of the tech industry seem to have worked out that, you know, not everyone likes them anymore! What’s funny, though, is watching them try to figure out why. A recent article doing the rounds attempts to sort this out in typical “Wow, you’re high on your own supply…” fashion, so I thought I’d be helpful and offer a bit more of an outside opinion on why, exactly, nobody likes the tech industry anymore.
Books in Progress is what we call a “public drafting tool”: Drafts will be made available for comment from the public, allowing for direct collaboration between author and reader.
Pierre de Coubertin hoped the modern Games would encourage the ancient Greek notion of harmony between "muscle and mind"
If you happened across the Olympic Air Pistol event for the first time, you might've been puzzled by the competitors' wearables: So those are mechanical irises. Shooting competitors fine-tune them to bring their gunsights into sharp focus. Here's an example of one by manufacturer Gehmann:
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