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Hey There! My name is Vega, and I’m glad you’re here! I know there are plenty of tutorials and ways to learn online, be it on YouTube, SkillShare, or online classes provided for free by various universities. The difference here is I’ve tried to cut out the boring parts, make things a bit more entertaining than a textbook, and drenched the content in my own personal opinion that has been built up by my experiences.
turns out I like bitmap fonts. Contribute to robhagemans/hoard-of-bitfonts development by creating an account on GitHub.
In recent days, there has been a peculiar "trend" of emergency stopping of trains using radio-stop signals. Not for the first time and probably not for the last, but this time the situation is interesting in that there is an ongoing war abroad, and various politicians are trying to "connect" themselves to these actions with their speeches, often speaking untruthfully. So, let's see what the reality is. I just woke up from hibernation... What actually happened? In the past few days, "someone" maliciously caused…
Soon after Russian troops invaded Ukraine in February 2022, sensors in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone reported radiation spikes. A researcher now believes he’s found evidence the data was manipulated.
Accessible Palette is an app for building color systems with consistent lightness and predictable contrast ratios across color levels.
Meta recently conceded that in-app behavioral advertising in the EU can no longer be opt-in by default, marking the end of an era. The regulators won, at least for now.
Running jitsi on a Raspberry Pi
The ads are a window into a blatantly illegal underground economy that Meta is not only failing to moderate, but is actively profiting from and injecting into users’ feeds.
A deep, deep dive into the symbiotic relationship between right-wing influencers, Russian state media, and the shared disinformation ecosystem in which they live.
Jamming with a virtual Casio SK-1 keyboard.
(Seems to behave weirdly on multi-monitor mixed-refresh-rate setups. Also, if you use Reduced Motion, make sure to turn it off for the animation to work) To read it, look for the lowest number which isn’t turning and which appears in dark text (ie isn’t flickering on alternate frames). Original version, supports 30/48/50/60/90/120/144hz: Warning: flickering imagery, open at your discretion. A zoetrope-like disc covered with numbers carefully arranged in patterns. As it spins, the viewer's refresh rate remains visually stable amidst a flurry of other dancing numbers. [] Even more ridiculous harder-to-read version, supports all of the above plus 75hz: Warning: flickering imagery, open at your discretion. A zoetrope-like disc covered with numbers carefully arranged in patterns. As it spins, the viewer's refresh rate remains visually stable amidst a flurry of other dancing numbers. []
The history of music and sound synthesis languages can be traced back to the Music N languages starting in the 1950s. You can trace the threads from there to a variety of languages that were develo...
The elite are trying to whip everyone back to the office to avoid a commercial real estate crash.
Můj druhý mozek Zettelkasten - Jiří Benedikt
With the emergence of LLM “AI”, everyone will have to learn what many disabled people have always understood
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