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severak 26.8.2023 00:15:29

The EU's war on behavioral advertising

Meta recently conceded that in-app behavioral advertising in the EU can no longer be opt-in by default, marking the end of an era. The regulators won, at least for now.

severak 25.8.2023 11:28:41

Running Jitsi on a Raspberry Pi 4 - Neil Brown

Running jitsi on a Raspberry Pi

severak 24.8.2023 12:52:18

Most of My Instagram Ads Are for Drugs, Stolen Credit Cards, Hacked Accounts, Counterfeit Money, and Weapons

The ads are a window into a blatantly illegal underground economy that Meta is not only failing to moderate, but is actively profiting from and injecting into users’ feeds.

severak 22.8.2023 12:00:23

16-bit Serial Homebrew CPU - 2023

Personal website

severak 21.8.2023 01:51:35

VS TAISHOGOTO (大正琴音源) | Versus Audio

Category : Ethnic , Sample Pack

severak 19.8.2023 23:27:48

Russia amplifies right-wing influence campaign to undermine support for Ukraine by exploiting Hawaii's tragedy

A deep, deep dive into the symbiotic relationship between right-wing influencers, Russian state media, and the shared disinformation ecosystem in which they live.

slovodne 17.8.2023 22:43:22


Možná, že jste dnes taky zaznamenali zprávu, že vědci poprvé zkoumali absorpci různých menstruačních pomůcek s reálnou lidskou krví. 

Tak je to zase trošku složitější...

Novinář si napíše článek, feministky se nad tím rozčílí a nerd s maturitou z biologie (čti já) a s Wikipedií na dosah si otevře pět článků a od čtení samotné vědecké studie ho zatím odrazuje jen fakt, že PDF té studie zatím není na Sci-Hubu....

Takže pár faktů:

To, co vědci při výzkumu použili nebyla krev, ale jenom její derivát. Konkrétně červené krvinky (určené na transfuzi) s prošlou trvanlivostí. Není to úplně menstruační krev, ale je to určitě bližší než voda nebo fyziologický roztok, které se na testování menstruačních pomůcek používaly dříve. Pro nezasvěcené je ale nutné dodat, že fyziologický roztok není zas tak špatná náhrada, protože je to (velmi zjednodušeně řečeno) polovina obsahu krve (do rozdílů zabíhat nebudu, protože jsou na to samostatné vědecké studie).

A proč se vlastně na tento výzkum používají náhražky? Odpověď je úplně prostá - protože není snadné sehnat menstruační krev, kterou byste na výzkum používali v ideálním případě, abyste napodobili skutečné podmínky.

Má výzkum smysl? Domnívám se, že ano, protože vědci zkoumali efektivitu různých menstruačních pomůcek v podmínkách blížícím se reálnému použití. Efektivnější menstruační pomůcky jsou potenciální ulehčení života pro polovinu lidstva, takže za mě dobrý a jen tak dál!

Najdi ženu si zaslouží pochvalu za odkaz na zdroje a doufám, že se ta studie brzy objeví na Sci-Hubu. Ale teď se jdu radši schovat, než se na mě sletí feministky, že jim do diskuze přináším nikým nevyžádané upřesňující poznámky (ještě že nemám tu studii).

Ještě odkaz na článek -

a studii -

severak 17.8.2023 17:07:21

testing your animation refresh rate with css crimes??

(Seems to behave weirdly on multi-monitor mixed-refresh-rate setups. Also, if you use Reduced Motion, make sure to turn it off for the animation to work) To read it, look for the lowest number which isn’t turning and which appears in dark text (ie isn’t flickering on alternate frames). Original version, supports 30/48/50/60/90/120/144hz: Warning: flickering imagery, open at your discretion. A zoetrope-like disc covered with numbers carefully arranged in patterns. As it spins, the viewer's refresh rate remains visually stable amidst a flurry of other dancing numbers. [] Even more ridiculous harder-to-read version, supports all of the above plus 75hz: Warning: flickering imagery, open at your discretion. A zoetrope-like disc covered with numbers carefully arranged in patterns. As it spins, the viewer's refresh rate remains visually stable amidst a flurry of other dancing numbers. []

severak 17.8.2023 13:53:34

Jak nám blbci berou vlastenectví

(A co s tím dělat.)

severak 17.8.2023 12:55:18

Are there any music programming languages from after the SuperCollider era?

The history of music and sound synthesis languages can be traced back to the Music N languages starting in the 1950s. You can trace the threads from there to a variety of languages that were develo...

severak 17.8.2023 11:51:11


We research DSP algorithms and develop audio effects and virtual instrument plugins.

severak 15.8.2023 17:19:39

The Elite's War on Remote Work Has Nothing to Do with Productivity

The elite are trying to whip everyone back to the office to avoid a commercial real estate crash.

severak 15.8.2023 16:53:38

The small things Manifesto

This is a work in progress, a living document.

severak 14.8.2023 10:45:02

Můj druhý mozek Zettelkasten - Jiří Benedikt


severak 14.8.2023 09:35:40

Úspěch, štěstí a tvrdá práce

Jaká je mezi tím vším souvislost?

severak 14.8.2023 02:15:16

Obsolete Thor

Ramblings of a File Format researcher

severak 5.8.2023 21:05:32

Language Is a Poor Heuristic for Intelligence

With the emergence of LLM “AI”, everyone will have to learn what many disabled people have always understood

severak 3.8.2023 13:50:53

Mastodon is easy and fun except when it isn’t - Erin Kissane's small internet website

After my last long post, I got into some frustrating conversations, among them one in which an open-source guy repeatedly scoffed at the idea of

severak 27.7.2023 15:28:35

How a start-up built the search engine of the future — and then died

Neeva was faster, simpler, and ad-free. But making something better than Google isn’t enough to beat Google.

severak 26.7.2023 12:04:47

The Eternal Mainframe

The urge to replace the mainframe has reinvented the mainframe and its problems.

severak 26.7.2023 10:46:22

Thoughts on AI and AI-veganism

I’ve come to think LLMs/GPTs/whatever are a threat to conventional search engines because the modern web is an unbelievably annoying dumpster fire. They don’t really provide better or faster answers, what they provide is an experience that is not a complete pain in the ass. This frog has been simmering for a long while now and we’re so used to it that seeing literally anything else seems revolutionary. You visit a website and need to dismiss a cookie policy notification, a request to show popups, a request to know your location, an invitation to subscribe to a newsletter, a sales rep wants to have a chat with you, then you get random layout shifts for several minutes as all the ad auctions finish, and then just as you’re ready to read the content the website crashes and reloads and the circus starts over again.

severak 17.7.2023 15:07:30

Pluralistic: Tiktok's enshittification (21 Jan 2023)


severak 17.7.2023 13:00:14

When Open Becomes Opaque: The Changing Face of Open-Source Hardware Companies

Over the last 15+ years, innovative electronics companies have designed and released thousands of open-source hardware designs, creating a flourishing industry. Open-source hardware companies colle…

see more...
