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The ads are a window into a blatantly illegal underground economy that Meta is not only failing to moderate, but is actively profiting from and injecting into users’ feeds.
Matt Mullenweg explains the myriad challenges now being faced by Elon Musk.
Like many in the past week, I have been having a serious look at Mastodon as an alternative to Twitter.
A Guardian investigation exposes the breadth of state-backed manipulation of the platform
How I built Snormal: a social network for all the bits of content that don't make it onto your social media highlight reel.
We need to discuss race in electronic music, and we need a new way to communicate
When 8th grader Sonia Bokhari joined social media for the first time, she discovered that her mom and sister had been posting about her for her entire life.
Discord has become an indispensable tool for internet creators to connect with their fans.
How one man spit in the face of Japanese business culture
Kniha psycholožky Jean Twengeové, podle níž iGenerace, která už nepoznala svět bez internetu a smartphonů, vyrůstá se závažnými psychickými problémy. Autorka tvrdí, že se jedná o paradoxní důsledek virtuálních sociálních sítí.
K řadě letošních skandálů společnosti Facebook se přidal další. Opět se týká ohrožení soukromých dat, tentokrát dokonce těch nejcitlivějších – obsahu našich soukromých konverzací v aplikaci Messenger. Facebook umožnil společnostem Netflix a Spotify, aby tyto zprávy četly, psaly do nich, a dokonce je mazaly.
Objevuju Mastodon
A little while ago, I wrote a thread on about ephemerality of posting on social media as compared to Usenet. It got a little bit of traction, and one person asked if I could post more about Usenet clients. I haven’t gotten to it until today, and I thought I would post on my blog instead of on glitch. The original thread wasn’t really about Usenet clients; it was mainly about how posts on Usenet expired, which is contrary to people’s current expectations about social media, but actually worked very well.
GirlWithNoJob, JackieOProblems, and the rest of the Instagram-famous family have gone to great lengths to conceal the identity of their Islamophobic mother.
Mastodon and the challenges of abuse in a federated system
There’s been another surge of Twitter users moving to Mastodon in the last few days and for the first time it feels like it’s getting some mainstream tractio...
Today we’ll be looking at how to connect the protocols powering Mastodon in the simplest way possible to enter the federated network. We will use static files, standard command-line tools, and some simple Ruby scripting, although the functionality should be easily adaptable to other programming languages. First, what’s the end goal of this exercise? We want to send a Mastodon user a message from our own, non-Mastodon server. So what are the ingredients required?
All she did was board a plane and chat with her seatmate. Now she is a public figure, a hashtag, a target. Millions of strangers on the internet want to know about her new fictional relationship. No one understands why she is so afraid. Or maybe she isn’t afraid. How could I know? I don’t know this woman either.
Mastodon’s creator sheds light on maintaining one of the most popular projects in the fediverse
hey there! hoodie here. you may know me from my rundown of mastodon’s history. it’s a bit of a downer, and it’s not very hopeful for the…
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