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Here’s why brutalism is back in style.
I originally published these notes in April of last year in one of my old blogs. These notes come from reading two blog posts from the wonderful Urban Kchoze blog:Urban kchoze: Japanese zoning (here is the annotated and cached copy)Urban kchoze:...
I originally published this in May of last year in Idea Collector, one of my old blogs. Epistemic status: This is a quick write up of my personal experience wandering Osaka, Kyoto, and Tokyo last May. I'd be curious to learn how it compares to...
My father and I were discussing increasing construction and diminishing public space in Beirut and, in particular, access to the seafront in the Manara neighbourhood. Suddenly, he asked if I had ever noticed al-Ba`sa (in English: The Grudge). “Which grudg
Feuding brothers, thwarted lovers, and a lot of spoiled views: ‘spite buildings’ are our smallest human pettiness made manifest in bricks and mortar. Here are some of the best/worst
We must stand up to the creeping plague of facadism, an infection spreading across the developments of London
Mají peníze, o kterých se obyčejným lidem ani nezdá! A za ně si stavějí neobyčejné domy. Ale mají také vkus, nebo dávají jen na odiv své nezměrné bohatství? Blesk požádal architekta Igora Kovačeviče, aby ohodnotil sídla českých miliardářů. A ten je rozhodně nešetřil! Nejhůř dopadl »ropný král« Karel Komárek a developer Luděk Sekyra. Ti se prý jen předvádějí!
The living spaces would be in high-rise apartments so that the ground-level was open for recreation and collective spaces—live in the sky, play on the ground. Cars would even drive on elevated roads so that pedestrians could have the space below all to themselves. There would also be separate districts for industry and shopping. Where old European cities were winding, cluttered and polluted, this new one would be linear, open, and clean, with everything in its proper place.
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