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S politologem Jakubem Lyskem jsme hovořili o tom, co Fialova vláda neudělala pro strukturálně znevýhodněné regiony, jakou roli mohou regionální rozdíly hrát v krajských volbách či o vztahu mezi korupcí a periferií.
The Turkish newspaper Hürriyet reports a tragic consequence of the failure to localize cell phones.
Pavel Durov and the BlackBerry Ratchet
Books in Progress is what we call a “public drafting tool”: Drafts will be made available for comment from the public, allowing for direct collaboration between author and reader.
Pierre de Coubertin hoped the modern Games would encourage the ancient Greek notion of harmony between "muscle and mind"
If you happened across the Olympic Air Pistol event for the first time, you might've been puzzled by the competitors' wearables: So those are mechanical irises. Shooting competitors fine-tune them to bring their gunsights into sharp focus. Here's an example of one by manufacturer Gehmann:
May 19 1956 marked the laying of the first stone of the A1 Milan-Naples: check the gallery Domus and discover the story of the Sun Motorway in Italy.
In 1936, the Czech track star Zdeněk Koubek became world-famous after undergoing surgery so that he could live openly as a man.
How a shy, queer Canadian woman accidentally invented one of the internet’s most toxic male communities.
Was BASIC that horrible or… better?
I’m tired of hearing about Grace Hopper, Margaret Hamilton, and Ada Lovelace. Can’t we think of someone else for once? I went ahead and compiled a bunch of really important women according to some fairly arbitrary rules: There’s a specific thing you can point to and say “That. That’s their contribution.” This leaves out a lot of really qualified people who made lots of general contributions, but I wanted to keep this list fixed on soundbites.
Originally published in Estonian World on 11 April 2022. It’s a cold spring morning and I’m watching a tour guide in the Old Town of Tallinn. With her back to a park built on a city block destroyed in World War 2 and facing a set of mediæval buildings not far from the old town square, head in a warm beanie, she’s explaining Estonia to a group of cruise ship tourists.
Automation is often presented as an inexorably advancing force, whether it’s ushering in a threat to jobs or a promise of increased leisure or larger profits. We’re made to imagine the robots rising, increasingly mechanized systems of production, more streamlined modes of everyday living. But the truth is that…
New FOIA records from the FAA shed light on the frantic effort in 2015 to rename navigation waypoints related to Donald Trump and reveal the list of naughty waypoint names that were changed over the years.
Petr Pithart: My a Izrael, vždy na jejich straně. Anomálie s hlubokými kořeny — Hlídací
El Pueblo Unido: This song accompanies the protests in Chile
Top 10: Plastic People of the Universe (Joe Yanosik)
Podpora populistů v důsledku asociální politiky české pravicové vlády roste. Liberálové vyzývají k efektivnějšímu boji s dezinformacemi, levice dál chřadne či s fašizujícími proudy sama koketuje. A migrantofobie je už dávno mainstreamem.
Okhotny Ryad holds the record for the most different names, having changed names four times over the years.
The compression algorithm used in zlib is essentially the same as that in gzip and zip. What are gzip and zip? How are they different and how are they same?
Since the collapse of Wirecard, Jan Marsalek has been on the run and is one of the most wanted men in the world. A DER SPIEGEL investigation has revealed how he went underground and that he's a Russian spy.
Taras Bilous is a Ukrainian historian and essayist who has served in the Ukrainian army since the beginning of the Russian aggression. He is (...)
How one crew risked radiation, storms, and currents to save Japan from digital isolation.
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