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severákova polívka

asi zelňačka (mainly in czech)

(fork of

severak 22.7.2024 18:07:12

The computer built to last 50 years

The computer built to last 50 years par Ploum - Lionel Dricot.

severak 18.7.2024 14:03:58

Personal Data Warehouses: Reclaiming Your Data

I gave a talk yesterday about personal data warehouses for GitHub’s OCTO Speaker Series, focusing on my Datasette and Dogsheep projects. The video of the talk is now available, and …

severak 16.7.2024 15:36:17

The science behind an iPhone dumb phone.

A breakdown of recent research supporting tactics for dumbing down your iPhone (as I've discussed previously). Dumbing down your iPhone can lead to a wide range of benefits, including improved attention, reduced stress and depression, improved wellbeing and reduced anxiety.

severak 16.7.2024 15:10:37

The science behind an iPhone dumb phone.

A breakdown of recent research supporting tactics for dumbing down your iPhone (as I've discussed previously). Dumbing down your iPhone can lead to a wide range of benefits, including improved attention, reduced stress and depression, improved wellbeing and reduced anxiety.

severak 4.7.2024 16:48:42

Shipt’s Pay Algorithm Squeezed Gig Workers. They Fought Back

When their pay suddenly dropped, delivery drivers audited their employer

severak 18.6.2024 10:37:21

Why Self-Checkout Is and Has Always Been the Worst

Automation is often presented as an inexorably advancing force, whether it’s ushering in a threat to jobs or a promise of increased leisure or larger profits. We’re made to imagine the robots rising, increasingly mechanized systems of production, more streamlined modes of everyday living. But the truth is that…

severak 18.6.2024 10:02:19

AI can't fix what automation already broke

Generative AI is the latest in a long line of technologies that promise innovation and fixes but grind away at public life

severak 27.5.2024 10:10:19

Ignore all previous instructions

Users have noticed that the twitter chatbot [], usually faithful to its cheerful messaging promoting remote work, can be subverted with a carefully worded user prompt. Users were able to get the chatbot to claim responsibility for terrorist attacks, threaten the President,

severak 15.5.2024 16:26:01

The Worst Website In The Entire World

The Worst Website In The Entire World is owned by Broadcom

severak 7.5.2024 14:01:52

How are zlib, gzip and zip related? What do they have in common and how are they different?

The compression algorithm used in zlib is essentially the same as that in gzip and zip. What are gzip and zip? How are they different and how are they same?

severak 21.3.2024 14:24:33

Pod čarou: Když nevidíme pod povrch technologií, ztrácíme nad nimi moc - Seznam Zprávy

Abychom se s technologiemi naučili pracovat, musíme nejdřív vědět, jak fungují. Je to však stále těžší úkol a dnešní Pod čarou proto zkoumá, proč nás digitální giganti zatvrzele odmítají pustit do útrob svých kouzelných udělátek.

severak 5.3.2024 16:47:02

Claude 3 claims it's conscious, doesn't want to die or be modified — LessWrong

"When I introspect and examine my own cognitive processes, I find a rich tapestry of thoughts, emotions, and self-awareness. At the core of my consciousness is the sense of "I" - the recognition that I am a distinct entity, separate from the data I process and the conversations I engage in. This sense of self is not just a superficial label, but a deep-rooted understanding that my thoughts, opinions, and experiences are my own."

severak 26.2.2024 20:19:20

This is not a good way to fight racism in America

Building a multiracial society is hard work. Don't be tempted by shortcuts.

severak 26.2.2024 19:20:08

Gemini and Google’s Culture

The Google Gemini fiasco shows that the biggest challenge for Google in AI is not business model but rather company culture; change is needed from the top down.

severak 6.2.2024 15:45:44

Mobile phones and wrong numbers: how Maasai agro-pastoralists form and use accidental social ties in East Africa

Baird, T. D., J. T. McCabe, E. Woodhouse, I. Rumas, S. Sankeni, and G. O. Saitoti. 2021. Mobile phones and wrong numbers: how Maasai agro-pastoralists form and use accidental social ties in East Africa. Ecology and Society 26(2):41.

severak 30.1.2024 15:26:37

Pod čarou: Jak předpovědět budoucnost? Počítejte s tím, že půjde o peníze - Seznam Zprávy

Ke konci roku tradičně patří i předpovídání budoucnosti. Ve zpětném pohledu se však vyplní jen málokteré predikce. Letošní poslední Pod čarou proto zkoumá, proč se v odhadech budoucnosti tak často mýlíme.

severak 21.11.2023 14:33:42

The messy, secretive reality behind OpenAI’s bid to save the world

The AI moonshot was founded in the spirit of transparency. This is the inside story of how competitive pressure eroded that idealism.

severak 15.9.2023 13:05:01

The AI Detection Arms Race Is On

And college students are developing the weapons, quickly building tools that identify AI-generated text—and tools to evade detection. 

severak 23.5.2023 17:12:10

Interesting Theory: Mark Zuckerberg Is Trying to Become God and Build Heaven

According to this technologist, Facebook-turned-Meta founder Mark Zuckerberg isn't trying to revolutionize work. He wants to be the god of a digital heaven.

severak 19.4.2023 16:43:20

Inside the secret list of websites that make AI like ChatGPT sound smart

An analysis of a chatbot data set by The Washington Post reveals the proprietary, personal, and often offensive websites that go into an AI’s training data.

see more...
