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What's happened to the vanished Uighurs of Xinjiang?
Dawn of Dianetics: L. Ron Hubbard, John W. Campbell, and the Origins of Scientology
S Jonášem Strouhalem, autorem vyčerpaného Alzáka bloumajícího po pražském centru, o konzumu, vyhoření a konci světa.
Inspired by the The Joel Test
They’re mostly terrible, but there’s room for smart choices.
Soviet scientists tried for decades to network their nation. What stalemated them is now fracturing the global internet
Trávníky v současnosti prospívají lidem, městům i přírodě jen minimálně, tvrdí vědci. Péče o ně na druhé straně spotřebuje ohromné množství vody, času i ropných produktů. Co s tím?
GirlWithNoJob, JackieOProblems, and the rest of the Instagram-famous family have gone to great lengths to conceal the identity of their Islamophobic mother.
Sometime in the late 20th century a naked man bent over, spread his ass and took a picture. Eventually that picture, known as Goatse, became one of the most venerable memes in internet history. Who is this man, and how did his ass take over the internet?
The World Wide Web is officially old enough for us judge what it’s produced. That’s right, it’s time for the world to start building a canon of the most significant websites of all time, and the Gizmodo staff has opinions.
Sky News reports on the Scottish politician Tavish Scott (real name) as he proposes a ban on maps that use an inset to show Shetland. Utter...
An ongoing art project of mine to carve maps of cities into wood. I use Openstreetmap data, ArcMap, Adobe Illustrator, and an industrial laser cutter to etch out various US cities onto birch plywood. I finish them with a bit of colored ink to depict water and greenspace areas (parks, forests, etc.)
12. srpen 1881. Den, kdy se odehrál zřejmě nejznámější požár na území dnešní republiky. Zjistili jsme, v čem se doboví vyšetřovatelé požáru mohli splést.
Forty years ago, Sigmund Jähn became the first German to travel into space. But he did so on behalf of East Germany. Is that why he isn't honored in today's Germany?
The Queen West Voyeur
The TRUTH Why Modern Music Is Awful
Libuše Hrdonková se zamilovala do amerického vojáka-osvoboditele. V roce 1953 za ním utekla přes železnou oponu pomocí pásového transportéru.
Zakladatelem věhlasné firmy a průmyslové dynastie Ringhoffer byl chudý kotlářský tovaryš František Ringhoffer, který roku 1769 přišel z... - Stačí otevřít a budeš v obraze.
Camels don't pay in advance
From ancient lore of Slavic peoples through Polish Romantic literature of Mickiewicz up to contemporary inspirations and most recent archaelogical finds, Polish vampires continue to curdle blood and inspire awe.
I was a slave in Puglia
Subscription and open access journals from SAGE Publishing, the world's leading independent academic publisher.
Satellite imagery for journalism: Why a picture is worth a thousand words
If the Rich Really Want To ‘Do Good,’ They Should Become Class Traitors Like FDR
Stručný report z happeningu před radnicí Prahy 3
The following table briefly summarizes each of the screen modes available in Q(uick)Basic and VB-DOS.
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