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Když v roce 1964 předpověděl britský spisovatel a vynálezce Arthur C. Clarke, že v budoucnu budeme moci kontaktovat naše přátele kdekoliv na světě, nehledě na místo, kde se nacházejí, muselo to znít bláznivě. Stejně jako jím popisovaná možnost pracovat z jakéhokoliv místa na planetě. „Pro člověka bude stejně jednoduché podnikat z Tahiti nebo Bali jako z Londýna,“ tvrdil Clarke. Jeho předpovědi se ale díky internetu splnily téměř do puntíku.
The Mad Scientist Who Fought The Nazis With Public Opinion Polls
The journalist's fate has sparked intense speculation, including what Riyadh knows about his current whereabouts
The Chernobyl nuclear disaster left a ring of ghost villages as residents fled fearing radiation poisoning. But now people are choosing to live in the crumbling houses on the edge of the exclusion zone
Life Got You Down? Time to Read The Master and Margarita
I'm no good at doing press for my shed story, so thought it might be fun to get some other people to do it instead.
The web is supposed to be accessible to all but flavour of the month techniques and over-complication is ruining everything
I’ve refactored a single complex “if” statement in various ways. I’ve discovered an interesting tendency. Using simple refactoring steps…
Hiding under an assumed name to avoid discrimination, Repairnator is unmasked
The equestrian Wellington Statue is a statue of Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington, located on Royal Exchange Square in Glasgow, Scotland. It is located outside the Gallery of Modern Art near the end of Ingram Street. The statue was sculpted by Italian artist Carlo Marochetti and erected in 1844. Capping the statue with a traffic cone has become a traditional practice in the city, claimed to represent the humour of the local population and believed to date back to the first half of the 1980s, if not before. The statue is a Category-A listed monument, and is one of Glasgow's most iconic landmarks. Due to minor damage and the potential for injury that the placing of cones involves, the practice has been discouraged by Glasgow City Council and Strathclyde Police. In 2011 the Lonely Planet guide included the statue in its list of the "top 10 most bizarre monuments on Earth." History In a bid to reduce the cost of removing traffic cones from the statue, alleged to be £10,000 a year, Glasgow City Council put forward plans in November 2013 to double the height of its plinth as part of a £65,000 restoration...
Programming in the days of Big Blue's most popular card punch machine.
Posts about bernoulli numbers written by Jim Randell
A demo of Charles Babbage's Difference Engine
A look at the fascinating history behind the one programming language with magical powers.
low-tech music for high-tech people - the ultimate digital sound & art community
Repair your electronics yourself. iFixit is the repair manual you can edit. We sell tools, parts and upgrades for Apple Mac, iPod, iPhone, iPad, and MacBook as well as game consoles.
The core of Ayn Rand's philosophy is that unfettered self-interest is good and altruism is destructive. So what if we indeed allowed ourselves to be blinded to all but our own self-interest?
We’ve grown increasingly obsessed with dystopian narratives since 2016. But why do we look to Orwell’s 1984 when Huxley’s Brave New World rings truer?
I always found it revolting that the Christian God told humans not to eat from the tree of knowledge. Fuck that. What a bullshit premise to deal with the world.
— Johannes Grenzfurthner
Žádný český výzkum dokazující, že u nehody zastaví jeden člověk z deseti, neexistuje. Stejně tak lajky automaticky neznamenají konání „dobra“.
Podívej se na křest 4. studiového alba WWW Neurobeat. Album nese jméno Neutopíš Se Dvakrát V Téže Řece a bylo pokřtěno v pátek 5. října 2018 v pražském Meet Factory.
A guide that provides step-by-step instructions for improving your data publishing workflow using Frictionless Data software
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