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12 Map Happenings that Rocked our World: Part 9
(Hon. Mention) Mapping Divided Berlin: The Politics of Under- and Over- Representation
Mapa úložných míst těžebního odpadu, důlních děl a poddolovaných území, sesuvů a radonového rizika pro mobily a tablety
Palestine Open Maps is a platform that seeks to combine emerging technologies for mapping and immersive storytelling to:
- Open-source and make searchable, for the first time, a uniquely detailed set of historic maps from the period of the British Mandate of Palestine;
- Curate layered visual stories that bring to life absent and hidden geographies, in collaboration with data journalists, academic researchers, and civil society groups.
This alpha version of the platform allows users to navigate and search the historic map sheets, and to view basic data about present and erased localities.
For Decades, Cartographers Have Been Hiding Covert Illustrations Inside of Switzerland’s Official Maps
Working with a blindfold
These printable origami globes are a great teaching resource or a fun family activity. Simply download, print and enjoy! Each globe folds into an accurate and very detailed topographic globe. These paper globes are a completely free resource!
A list of the map tutorials so far... It Begins - A quick overview Villages - Basic buildings Jungle Trails - Forests and some new op...
An analysis of the OpenStreetMap data in North Korea: Who are the contributors?
On the other hand, we're running into the same problem mentioned above again. Big institutions, even if they include you and me, are nameless/faceless. These CEOs are picked to run and represent their companies. Perhaps they should get used to a new job: being the lightning rod for our growing concern about global warming. The Decolonial Atlas, which published this map, quotes U.S. folk artist and labor organizer Utah Phillips: "The earth is not dying, it is being killed, and those who are killing it have names and addresses."On that list is your name and address, and mine; because we could all do a lot more. But not nearly as much as these 100 people. Let this map be an invitation to acquaint ourselves with their intentions, good or otherwise.
10 Times Google Maps Inflamed Border Disputes
Came across this old map of Cardiff (late 1950’s) with a radial coordinate system I’ve not seen before
Typewriter Cartography
Sky News reports on the Scottish politician Tavish Scott (real name) as he proposes a ban on maps that use an inset to show Shetland. Utter...
An ongoing art project of mine to carve maps of cities into wood. I use Openstreetmap data, ArcMap, Adobe Illustrator, and an industrial laser cutter to etch out various US cities onto birch plywood. I finish them with a bit of colored ink to depict water and greenspace areas (parks, forests, etc.)
Satellite imagery for journalism: Why a picture is worth a thousand words
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