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The immune response to the virus is stronger than everyone thought
Wealthy men turned the famous Paris Opera Ballet into a brothel.
One day Alan Eliasen read a fart joke and got so mad he invented a programming language. 20 years later Frink is one of the best special purpose languages for dealing with units. “But why do we need a language just for dealing with units?” Glad you asked! Intro to Units A unit is the physical property a number represents, like distance or time. We almost always are talking about SI units, or Système international.
What seemed to enrage a former inmate most was the mutual consent of the men he lived with.
In a lot of legacy code, I've come across "integer dates". It's a pretty common way to store dates in a compact format: an integer in the form "YYYYMMDD", e.g., 20200616 It's relatively compact, it remains human readable (unlike a Unix epoch). It's not too difficult to play with the modulus and rounding operators to pick it back into date parts, if you need to, though mostly we'd use something like this as an ID-like value, or for sorting. Thanks to Katie E I've learned about a new format: decimal years. The integer portion is the year, and the decimal portion is how far through that year you are, e.g. 2020.4547. This is frequently used in statistical modeling to manage time-series data. Once again, it's not meant to be parsed back into an actual date, but if you're careful, you can do it.
For years, neo-Nazis in northern Germany have been trying to turn the village of Jamel into their own little paradise. A husband and wife who are trying to stop them now have to live with police protection.
Only 9% of visitors give GDPR consent to be tracked
The Neobiological Revolution, is here. Now's the time to put lessons from the Digital Revolution to use.
Simone Marzulli's personal website, feel free to click your favourite buttons!
Simone Marzulli's personal website, feel free to click your favourite buttons!
Free unlimited rebooting experience from vintage operating systems
Simone Marzulli's personal website, feel free to click your favourite buttons!
This article is an experiment. Here I wrestle to retell and redescribe my experience of working and studying water and sanitation and, while I am doing that, I grow a form of reflexivity that inter...
Čeština je krásná řeč, mnohotvárná a dynamická, dá se v ní provolávat „Já se tam vrátím“ i s rapovými hvězdičkami zvracet všechny hnusy světa. Trpělivě snáší bulvární i youtuberkulózní banalizaci a myslí si své – takových už bylo, kdo z ní chtěli to či ono odkrájet, zapomenout či nahradit cizojazyčnem, a hle, je tu pořád stejně čilá jako v době kralické, pohrává si s novotvary, ale žádný nenechá rozbujet do zhoubné mohutnosti.
Medieval Myths Bingo
Police monitored a hundred million encrypted messages sent through Encrochat, a network used by career criminals to discuss drug deals, murders, and extortion plots.
Gavin Roy je jednatřicetiletý vystudovaný meteorolog. Den po získání doktorátu však s vědou skončil a začal se naplno věnovat jazykům. Už během studií učil sebe i ostatní portugalsky, před třemi lety se ale pustil i do češtiny. Nahrává o tom videa, kde vysvětluje kulturní rozdíly, co se mu na jazycích líbí, proč je podle něj čeština víc květnatá než složitá a taky proč se hned ptá, jestli si můžeme tykat.
Imaginary [full album] by Kupla
Evil has befallen many who've come in contact with it.
Psal se 4. duben 2012. Tehdy třiadvacetiletému řidiči tramvaje Vítu Malému zbývalo do konce směny pár desítek minut. S tramvají číslo 22 po páté hodině odpolední vjížděl do zastávky Břevnovský klášter. Naproti na zastávce stála také tramvaj, tak raději přibržďoval a zvonil. Přesto mu do dráhy vstoupila rusovlasá dívka. A reakce Víta Malého? Prošlápnul brzdu až do podlahy, zvonil a doufal, že neuslyší ránu. Ta ale nakonec přišla.
Perc & Passarella Death Squad - Temperature's Rising (Original Mix)
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