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sofias.' secret queendom of doom

I am new here

severak 29.6.2020 09:45:25

Dva mladí faráři jako youtubeři: Po každém videu si říkáme, že skončíme v pekle | Aktuálně.cz

Rozhovor s evangelickými faráři a youtubery Pastoral Brothers o tom, jak si představují nebe a peklo, i o tom, jak přenést Bibli do současného světa.

severak 28.6.2020 21:00:55

Russian Criminal Tattoo Archive | FUEL

This unique archive is an exhaustive collection of drawings, photographs and documents relating to the codes and practices of the Russian Criminal Tattoo. All images © FUEL.

severak 28.6.2020 00:48:46

Opinion | A Better Internet Is Waiting for Us

My quest to imagine a different reality.

severak 26.6.2020 11:48:53

An inmate’s love for math leads to new discoveries

Christopher Havens came upon his love of math while in solitary confinement. A decade later, he published a paper on number theory in a top mathematics journal.

severak 25.6.2020 15:09:29

'A chain of stupidity': the Skripal case and the decline of Russia's spy agencies

The long read: The unmasking of the Salisbury poisoning suspects by a new digital journalism outfit was an embarrassment for Putin – and evidence that Russian spies are not what they once were

severak 22.6.2020 11:15:30

Being Alone — Ankit Shah

A reflection on loneliness, solitude, and the relationship we form with ourselves.

severak 19.6.2020 10:02:15

Sexual Assault of Women in Ancient Rome | TheCollector


severak 18.6.2020 12:07:53

Liebe Dein Symptom wie Dich selbst! / Love Thy Symptom as Thyself (1996)


severak 17.6.2020 16:12:06

"All the animations were mine. None of the graphics were."


severak 17.6.2020 14:29:52

Fold 'N Fly » Paper Airplane Folding Instructions

A database of paper airplanes with easy to follow folding instructions, video tutorials and printable folding plans. Find the best paper airplanes that fly the furthest and stay aloft the longest.

severak 17.6.2020 10:13:25

The spy with no name

In 1977 a woman thought she had finally tracked down the son she had abandoned as a baby. What followed was an extraordinary tale of deception and heartbreak.

severak 15.6.2020 13:01:59

How to hire sane engineers 2.0

Blog about survival in the world of technology and all this cyberpunk around

severak 15.6.2020 12:41:30

Not the Cat’s Meow? The Impact of Posing with Cats on Female Perceptions of Male Dateability

The aim of this study was to investigate whether men were considered more attractive when posing for a photo alone or holding a cat. Prior research suggests that women view pet owners as more attractive and dateable than non-pet owners; however, this effect was strongest with dog owners. We hypothesized that men posing with cats would be more attractive than those posing alone. Using an online survey, women viewed images of a man posing alone or with a cat and rated the men on the Bem Sex Role Inventory (BSRI) and the Big Five Inventory. Women viewed men as less masculine when holding the cat; higher in neuroticism, agreeableness, and openness; and less dateable. These findings suggest that pets continue to play a role in women’s mate choices and dating preferences, but that a closer look at the effects of different species of pets is warranted.

severak 15.6.2020 12:12:36

No Code

go brrr

severak 12.6.2020 09:41:12

Windows Explorer Through The Years

At a glance comparison of every major Explorer release

severak 11.6.2020 10:58:57

Amerika nestaví chodníky. Ještě by po nich chodili černí

Na papíře mají ve Spojených státech všichni stejná práva. Realita je jiná. Nerovný přístup k různým rasám je v realitě vepsaný i do architektury amerických měst. Architekt Peter Bednár poukazuje na to, jak urbanistika minulých století stvrzovala rozdělení americké společnosti. Respektive, že to rozdělení není jen v hlavách lidí, ale že je fyzickou součástí každodenního života.

severak 10.6.2020 16:01:19

Wireheading Done Right: Stay Positive Without Going Insane


severak 10.6.2020 10:31:55

Audio Engineers Built a Shield to Deflect Police Sound Cannons

Amidst nationwide protests, two audiophiles have designed a defense against LRADs, the militaristic sonic weapons used by police to disperse crowds.

severak 9.6.2020 11:56:11

Čeští bojovníci na Donbasu konvertovali k islámu. Ze zákopů se přesunuli do kuchyňského studia — Hlídací


severak 6.6.2020 21:29:00

Dochované kolonie - Bahno Prahy aneb web o nouzových koloniích


severak 3.6.2020 16:35:46

Dušek: Na vnitru dva měsíce zatloukali. Byli neklidní, že by se někdo mohl uzdravit | Aktuálně.cz

Nevím, co to provedli. Video smazali ze strachu. Za týden ho vidělo půl milionu lidí, to byl ten problém, říká herec Jaroslav Dušek.

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