severákova polívka

asi zelňačka (mainly in czech)

(fork of

severak 12.5.2020 11:39:21

Electric Duet

A classic Apple ][ program that performed music in two voices.

severak 11.5.2020 06:30:19

Searching for Malik Bendjelloul – a tragedy revisited

In May Swedish film-maker Malik Bendjelloul – who had won an Oscar for Searching for Sugar Man – shocked everyone by taking his own life. Andrew Anthony tries to make sense of a tragedy

severak 4.5.2020 17:05:08

Quarantine Zine Club

Quarantine Zine Club will keep you connected to the zine community! You can share your zines, read zines & engage with zinesters from around the world!

severak 15.4.2020 15:46:58

Grief as a story model

I've been working on a five-stage story design model. I remembered that there were five stages of grief in the Kübler-Ross model, and wondered how my system would map to them. Surprise! It maps very well.

severak 5.3.2020 10:02:20

For Decades, Cartographers Have Been Hiding Covert Illustrations Inside of Switzerland’s Official Maps


severak 3.3.2020 12:06:01

Thinking about color

An exploration of building accessible color systems for flexible UI theming.

severak 20.2.2020 11:25:22

How communist Bulgaria became a leader in tech and sci-fi – Victor Petrov | Aeon Essays

Tech flourished in communist Bulgaria and so did a body of science fiction asking vital philosophical questions

severak 14.2.2020 15:11:22

Podcast Petra Viziny: Hlava nesmí přerůst a nárty rozhodují o všem | Aktuálně.cz

"Tanec je pro mnoho lidí nesrozumitelný žánr. Přitom pokud je člověk otevřený, stačí přijít, sednout, uvolnit se a nechat to na sebe působit," říká tanečnice a režisérka Miřenka Čechová v podcastu Petra Viziny.

severak 14.2.2020 11:00:26

Sarah Goodridge’s Beauty Revealed (1828)

The story of American artist Sarah Goodridge’s erotic self-portrait on a miniature ivory plate, given as a secret present to her lover, US Senator Daniel Webster.

severak 13.2.2020 14:55:04

'Bless the chaos': La Movida Madrileña, Spain's seedy, wild post-Franco underground

Formed after a free punk concert in 1980, an influential collection of musicians, artists and film-makers including Pedro Almodavar exploded punk counterculture in Madrid – and changed their nation for ever

severak 7.2.2020 22:14:36

Database of old book illustrations

Here's an enormous library of thousands of old book illustrations, with searchable name, artist, source, date, which book it was

severak 7.2.2020 15:44:15

Interview with Ingrid Burrington

What is the internet, really? Ingrid Burrington studies the networked infrastructure like submarine cables, data centers, and antennas that make up our fantasy of the virtual “cloud”. We sat down with the Brooklyn-based artist, writer, and technology researcher to talk about internet, magic, power, and being comfortable with failure in the often sexist world of technology.

severak 28.1.2020 17:00:40

Návrat Bondyho dystopie

„Smutek. Smutek stékal po městských střechách, smutek plaval ulicemi, smutek zaplňoval podzemní dráhu, ani nejvyšší špičky budov z něho nevyčnívaly, smutek byl pachem tohoto města a držel se v něm jako pod poklopem.“ Tak začíná Bondyho próza Cybercomics z roku 1997. Jako by se vracela …

severak 24.1.2020 10:21:23

“Thou Shalt Not”: A 1940 Photo Satirically Mocks Every Vice & Sin Censored by the Hays Movie Censorship Code

The history of Hollywood film before 1968 breaks down into two eras: 'pre-Code' and 'post-Code.' The 'Code' in question is the Motion Picture Production Code, better known as the 'Hays Code,' a reference to Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America president Will H. Hays.

severak 22.1.2020 23:41:13

When Soviets met Stans: the tower blocks of central Asia – in pictures

Two Italian photographers, Roberto Conte and Stefano Perego, documented Soviet-era buildings in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan

severak 21.1.2020 21:19:07

We Finally Figured Out Who Makes wikiHow’s Bizarre Art

Getting to the bottom of one of the internet’s most ridiculously drawn mysteries

severak 10.1.2020 16:01:28

Italská Vogue má místo fotek ilustrace, chce šetřit prostředí


severak 10.1.2020 16:01:15

Vogue Italia di gennaio: le cover illustrate

No photoshoot production was required for the making of this issue. Per la prima volta nella sua storia Vogue Italia rinuncia all’utilizzo delle foto per dare spazio a disegni e illustrazioni, mettendo così la creatività al servizio della sostenibilità

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