“Good night, Malaysian three seven zero.”
Fonetická analýza dokáže odhalit, co bylo řečeno i na poměrně nekvalitní nahrávce. Někdy je správné určení obsahu promluvy otázkou téměř života a smrti.
Far from being profoundly destructive, we humans have deep capacities for sharing resources with generosity and foresight
For millions of years, fire was our main form of energy. With renewables, it comes to an end
Já chci říct, že jsem slíbil, že povedu kampaň slušně. A taky jsem ji vedl slušně.
Jak tvořit systematické barvy pro digitální produkty - Blog | Jiří Chlebus
from https://blog.jirichlebus.cz/2019/11/18/jak-tvorit-systematicke-barvy-pro-digitalni-produkty/
This post is literally just me picking out a section from each book and adding in things to explicitly establish Murderbot’s pronouns, normalize the characters asking eachother what their pronouns are/listing them in their fucking brainchip social media profiles, and maybe even more importantly, making it so that sex is not equated with gender.Murderbot and all the other bots and constructs so far being agender because they’re all robots (shut up if you’re going to argue semantics) who don’t have genitals is transphobic.
The Yamaha Tenori-on is an electronic musical instrument designed and created by the Japanese artist Toshio Iwai and Yu Nishibori of the Music and Human Interface Group at the Yamaha Center for Advanced Sound Technology. Description The Tenori-on consists of a hand-held screen in which a sixteen-by-sixteen grid of LED switches are held within a magnesium plastic frame. Any of these switches may be activated in a number of different ways to create sounds. Two built-in speakers are located on the top of the frame, as well as a dial and buttons that control the type of sound and beats per minute produced. There are two versions of the device available. The original TNR-W (Tenori-On White) features a magnesium frame, 256 rear panel LEDs and can run on batteries whilst the more affordable TNR-O (Tenori-On Orange) features a white plastic frame, has no rear LEDs and does not take batteries. The modes and sound sets in these instruments are the same. Both devices have an LCD screen on the bottom edge of the frame. Using the connection function, it is possible to play a synchronized session, or to send and receive songs...
This is an interactive article. To fully experience it, you'll need to turn JavaScript on. Today, I'll take you through the process I came up with …
Why some mathematicians argue the economy is designed to create a few super rich people – unless we stop it.
How I got co-opted into helping the rich prevail at the expense of everybody else
Beyond textbook Bresenham Introduction Every now and then (don't ask) I have to yet again write a subpixel-accurate but NOT antialiased line drawer....
Throwing the whole world into a single room together doesn't work.
Matt Mullenweg explains the myriad challenges now being faced by Elon Musk.
In which I liberate the ending to Minecraft from Microsoft… and give it to you.
In the following timeline and interview, an anarchist collective in Hong Kong presents a complete overview of the months-long uprising, reviewing its achievements, identifying its limits, celebrati...
This guide covers the ins and outs of FFmpeg starting with fundamental concepts and moving to media transcoding and video and audio processing providing practical examples along the way.
A curated list of Fediverse applications based on the ActivityPub protocol.
Easy to use OAuth 2.0 javascript library for use in your javascript application. - GitHub - andreassolberg/jso: Easy to use OAuth 2.0 javascript library for use in your javascript application.
I came across a post on the 'verse recently that referenced Microsoft's business strategy of "embrace and extend" in reference to Twitter's future.…
This post describes OAuth 2.0 in a simplified format to help developers and service providers implement the protocol.
Like many in the past week, I have been having a serious look at Mastodon as an alternative to Twitter.
Is This the Most Crowded Island in the World? (And Why That Question Matters) - Longreads
from http://longreads.com/2018/02/19/is-this-the-most-crowded-island-in-the-world/
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