Deprecated: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in /home/users/strajt9/ on line 196 Deprecated: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in /home/users/strajt9/ on line 1169 Deprecated: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in /home/users/strajt9/ on line 1169 Patrick Lonergan

Patrick Lonergan

I am new here

severak 18.4.2019 10:16:03

Reaction of the rich to the Notre Dame fire teaches us a lot about the world we live in |

There has been an outpouring of grief and money in the wake of the Notre Dame fire. What does this say about how we process tragedy?

severak 17.4.2019 17:05:06

perception is circumstantial

Curated Creative Commons music. A handpicked selection of contemporary music and playlists. Never mind the corporations

severak 17.4.2019 16:57:18

Cutside - In Orbit EP - Releases - blocSonic - A Maine based netlabel & music label featuring hip-hop to pop to indie to rock and everything in between

Not since October 2017 have we had the pleasure of releasing new music by Crimean producer Cutside. Well, your wait is over, today we deliver “In Orbit EP”, a tasty selection of electronic sounds for you to cool out to. Download and enjoy. Once again Cutside delivers that sonic artistry! Thank you again, sir! Of course, thanks once again to you for downloading & listening. We always strive to deliver the music you’ll love. Please spread the word about blocSonic, if you enjoy what we do. Remember… ever...

severak 16.4.2019 13:53:24

Amid Notre-Dame's Destruction, There's Hope for Restoration

A blaze consumed the roof and spire of the 13th-century Gothic cathedral in Paris. But "the worst has been avoided."

severak 16.4.2019 13:27:39

byteabit, by lempamo


severak 16.4.2019 13:06:00

Elysian Tunes

Hi. I'm Astro

severak 15.4.2019 16:10:46

Czech The Difference | Features | Red Dwarf - The Official Website

The official website of Red Dwarf, the cult science-fiction comedy show

severak 15.4.2019 10:00:31

Na návštěvě meteoradaru Skalky: kde se berou radarové mapy srážek -

Nebude za chvíli pršet? Obloha je sice bez mráčků, ale co když se to brzy přižene? Stačí se podívat do mobilu a víme to, protože máme přeci radar. Jak…

severak 15.4.2019 01:12:42

Slavoj Žižek on Synthetic Sex and "Being Yourself"


severak 14.4.2019 20:12:16

Apoštol radikální otevřenosti, nebo ‚užitečný idiot‘? Petr Koubský rozplétá působení Juliana Assange

Zakladatel WikiLeaks Julian Assange je v britské policejní vazbě. USA ho viní ze spiknutí za účelem získání tajných vládních informací. Assange to odmítá a hájí se právem na svobodu slova.

severak 12.4.2019 15:48:52

Celebrate 303 day by finding old classics, fresh inspiration


severak 12.4.2019 15:03:22

Rat Radio

This is a broadcast from a rat burrow in New York City's Lower East Side.

severak 12.4.2019 15:00:16

In San Francisco, Making a Living From Your Billionaire Neighbor’s Trash


severak 12.4.2019 14:09:25

What I Hate About Dating Women vs What I Hate About Dating Men

Aka why I am terrible at relationships

severak 12.4.2019 11:45:21

Dating for nerds (part 2): gender differences

This part of dating for nerds series is focused on the differences between genders that may affect dating: social expectations, safety, choosiness, taking initiative.

severak 12.4.2019 10:12:08

Tree of Reddit Sex Life

Reddit has plenty of channels dedicated to the human body and sexuality. Let's explore this diverse ecosystem!

severak 11.4.2019 16:50:34

How Building a Black Hole for Interstellar Led to an Amazing Scientific Discovery


severak 11.4.2019 16:07:56

LRB · Andrew O’Hagan · Ghosting: Julian Assange

On 5 January 2011, at 8.30 p.m., I was messing about at home when the phone buzzed on the sofa. It was a text from Jamie Byng, the publisher of Canongate. ‘Are you about?’ it said. ‘I have a somewhat left-field idea. It’s potentially very exciting. But I need to discuss urgently.’ . . .

severak 11.4.2019 10:02:26

Pseudo-standard Text File Adoption Rates (2019) - Paul's Blog

How many sites use {robots,humans,security}.txt files? That’s the question I wanted to answer. I got curious about the usage & adoption of

severak 11.4.2019 09:54:32

Postup úspěšné opravy GPS po změně epochy -

O víkendu došlo k přetečení počítadla týdnů v navigačním systému GPS. Změna epochy zasáhla některá nepřipravená zařízení a znemožnila jim správně…

severak 10.4.2019 22:21:58

Kanály na střeše střední Evropy. Ani Zeman neporučí větru dešti | Aktuálně.cz

Němci už dobře vědí, že s technizací říční dopravy se to nesmí přehánět.

severak 10.4.2019 14:44:23

The mystery of Star Wars and the Brutalist hotel

Did a hotel facing demolition in Tunis inspire the design of the Star Wars Sandcrawler?

severak 10.4.2019 11:25:01

Třístavový checkbox v HTML5

Vyrábím tu zrovna jedno administrační rozhraní, v němž potřebuji zobrazit několik položek, které mohou nabývat tří různých stavů. Stavy, které potřebuju vyjádřit, by se daly pracovně nazvat „vynuceně vypnuto“, „vynuceně zapnuto“ a „na vyžádání“. U těchto položek budou existovat vždy právě tři stavy. Nikdy ne více a nikdy ne méně. Jaký prvek tedy použít, aby byl intuitivní a v GUI nesežral moc místa?

severak 10.4.2019 10:31:21

Chinese browsers block protest against China’s 996 overtime work culture

Tencent, Xiaomi and others are censoring the GitHub page over “illegal information”

see more...
