Quicksand once offered filmmakers a simple recipe for excitement: A pool of water, thickened with oatmeal, sprinkled over the top with wine corks. It was, in its purest form, a plot device unburdened by character, motivation, or story: My god, we're sinking! Will we escape this life-threatening situation before time runs out? Those who weren't rescued simply vanished from the script: It's too late—he's gone.
Rok 1989 je důležitou součástí kulturní války dneška
from https://a2larm.cz/2019/11/rok-1989-je-dulezitou-soucasti-kulturni-valky-dneska/
Povinný celibát neodmyslitelně patří k římskokatolické církvi, kněz Marek Orko Vácha si ale myslí, že by měl být dobrovolný. „Celibát má obrovský význam pro řádové kněze v klášterech, ale nejsem si úplně jistý, jestli má význam pro faráře, kteří jsou v terénu a vedou farnost,“ říká v rozhovoru pro server Lidovky.cz. V čase třicátého výročí sametové revoluce se rozpovídal i o tom, jak byla za komunismu církev pokřivená a řada kněží spolupracovala s StB.
Molotovy, luky, barikády. Univerzity se změnily takřka ve válečnou zónu
An exploration into high-performance Haskell by cloning the wc utility
Energická, originální a hýřící všemi barvami - taková je Žofie Dařbujánová a takové je i její vinohradské bydlení. Stav se na skok. Nebo na panáka?
kqr 8 hours ago [-]
Similarly, Excusez-moi; parlez-vous Anglais? is how you get a French person to speak English.
eps 7 hours ago [-]
The full handshake sequence is usually longer that this.
They will first reply with "Non", often coupled with a wounded look.
Then you have to start speaking in a very broken French, ideally with a monstrous accent (though this comes naturally).
And only then they will suddenly re-discover their long forgotten English skills, which will turn out to be quite decent.
— some guys at HN
- zjistil jsem jak se jmenuje Ruby (pejsek) |
- měl jsem špatnou náladu, studoval jsem revoluci v Chile |
- Soyboy stramoval, tak jsem měl přijet pozdě, tak jsem jedl chlebíčky na v Ječmínku a pak jsem šel do centrálky |
- tam mi zavolal Albert, zda počítám se srazem. Měl jsem za to, že to je až za měsíc... |
- cestou dom jsem usnul a kdyby mě neprobudila černovláska, tak bych přejel |
Út: |
- špatná nálada pokračuje, výjimka je koment na mém videu |
- večer sraz s Herečkou v Trafice, což mi výrazně zlepšilo náladu |
+ jsem dal řeč s ostatním osazenstvem Trafiky |
+ El derecho de vivir en paz |
+ co mi to děláš, Natálie? |
St: |
- nakupovací den |
- ujel mi těsně před nosem bus, tak jsem šel k Číňance na fazolky |
Čt: |
- večer koncert WWWček v NG |
- předtím jsem čekal v hospodě a psal povídku |
Pá: |
- Poetica Subnautica |
- moderovala Cizí holka, dorazily holky z Trafiky a Vlašák nás všechny opíjel vínem |
So: |
- společný oběd v burgrárně na Letné |
- návštěva stávky v Karolinu (resp. přednášky o studentském hnutí v Polsku) |
- večírek v Trafice |
- večerní návrat náhradkou, protože jsem se v Trafice zakecal |
Ne: |
- návštěva M&H, A&J a M&H ve Hvo |
- ukazoval jsem Cizí holce nahrávací studio |
- výprava na jmelí |
- večer jsem kreslil plakát, poslouchal Neubauten a potom koukal na Aguirre |
* * * |
žijeme v "zajímavých časech", kdy se na náměstí v Santiago del Chile hraje ona chilská revoluční píseň, na jejíž jméno jsem tuhle nemohl přijít v BB. A to přitom protesty v Chile začaly kvůli zdražování jízdného na metro o pouhých 30 pesos, což v přepočtu vychází na necelou jednu korunu. Když proti tomu lidé protestovali, odbyl je ministr dopravy Juan Andres Fontaine tím, že si mají přivstat a jet dříve (mimo špičku - kdy je cena jízdenek levnější). O necelý měsíc později mají události spojené s protesty na svědomí 21 mrtvých a přes 2500 zraněných. |
* * * |
The situation in Xinjiang [新疆 - شىنجاڭ ]: report on my latest visit to China [part 1]
Wait Wait…Tell Me!
from https://99percentinvisible.org/episode/wait-wait-tell-me/
Od chvíle, kdy Francis Fukuyama přišel s tezí o "konci dějin", uplyne letos už 25 let. Jeho kniha The End of History and the Last Man (Konec dějin a…
Johann Hari: Everything you think you know about addiction is wrong
from https://www.ted.com/talks/johann_hari_everything_you_think_you_know_about_addiction_is_wrong
“We might as well go down fighting.”
Jsme síť lidí, které spojuje snaha přispět ke změně toho, jak se u nás pracuje a podniká. Stavíme na principech slušnosti a svobody v práci. Fungujeme od roku 2002.
The history of hacking in the post-Soviet space started well before the proliferation of the internet and modern PCs. In the 1980s, local computer fans had to use smuggled hardware and pirated
In 2013, a soap opera was filmed in IKEA without the store knowing about it
from https://www.lostateminor.com/2018/01/03/2013-soap-opera-filmed-ikea-without-store-knowing/
header bidding, DFP, GAM, cpm ... welcome in the world of ads, where everything is an acronym. Le me try to explain how everything works under the hood.
How does printf work behind the scenes
Why was it believed that the Aztecs greeted Cortés as a deity?
Iceland does not have a public railway system. There have been three small railways, but none became part of the public transport network. The main reasons for the lack of railways are the small population, competition with automobile traffic, and the harsh environment. Proposals for railways in Iceland began in the early 1900s, with a proposed line between Reykjavík and Selfoss but these were abandoned. In the 2000s there were new proposals for both a light railway system in the Capital Region and an airport rail link to Keflavík. Reykjavík Harbour Railway The track network Probably the most well-known Icelandic rail project, the Reykjavík Harbour Railway, of 900 mm (2 ft 11 7⁄16 in) narrow gauge, operated from 1913 until 1928 for the construction of the harbour breakwaters. The railway operated from a quarry outside the city, Öskjuhlíð, from which it ran a short distance to a junction, passing loop, and sidings. This junction was located just...
With its cheap geothermal energy and low crime rate, Iceland has become the world’s leading miner of digital currency. Then the crypto-crooks showed up.
Narcoculture in Mexico is a subculture that has grown as a result of the strong presence of the various drug cartels throughout Mexico. In the same way that other subcultures around the world that are related to crime and drug use (for example the Scottish neds and European hooligans, or the American street-gangstas and outlaw bikers), Mexican narco culture has developed its own form of dress, music, literature, film, religious beliefs and practices and language (slang) that has helped it become a part of the mainstream fashion in some areas of the country, mainly among lower-class, uneducated youth. Narco culture is dynamic in that there are various regional differences within Mexico and among those who participate in it. Origin The origins of narco culture, like drug trafficking, had humble beginnings in Mexico. Narco culture emerged from the practice of drug trafficking in the highlands of Badiraguato, Sinaloa. It is in the sierra or countryside where an identity of drug trafficking was created and then consolidated once it crossed into the urban sphere. Narcoculture has been defined as a code of conduct and lifestyle for those...
We need to discuss race in electronic music, and we need a new way to communicate
Great Railway Journeys, originally titled Great Railway Journeys of the World, is a recurring series of travel documentaries produced by BBC Television. The premise of each programme is that the presenter, typically a well-known figure from the arts or media, would make a journey by train, usually through a country or to a destination to which they had a personal connection. The first series, which used the longer title, was broadcast on BBC2 in 1980. After a 14-year hiatus, a further three series were broadcast between 1994 and 1999, using the shorter series title. Similar series were broadcast in 1983, Great Little Railways, and 2010, Great British Railway Journeys. The first series is notable in that it featured the first television travelogue by comedian and comic actor Michael Palin (Confessions of a Trainspotter), who would go on to become as well known for his travel series (such as Pole to Pole and Sahara) as for his comedy. English musician and sound artist Chris Watson worked as an audio recorder for the fourth episode "Los Mochis to Veracruz" of the fourth season...
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