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Patrick Lonergan

I am new here

severak 29.4.2019 15:44:35

Marketing Hate: Inside Identity Evropa's Neo-Nazi Messaging


severak 29.4.2019 15:41:29

The Leesburg Grid

I've written about the 'Leesburg Grid' a few times here on the blog, but have yet to dedicate a blog post specifically to it. The Leesburg Grid is a tool for determining what the message of your campaign should be. It is a grid with four quadrants:

severak 29.4.2019 14:00:00

Digitally China Podcast: The Inside Story of China's Viral 996 Protests


severak 29.4.2019 13:54:54

Building China: Rise of the Superblock


severak 29.4.2019 10:53:12

computer collection vienna ENG - experience the computer history

The most popular computers of the time to rediscover and experience. Here you can find information, high-resolution images of all equipment and unique 3D models from a freely selectable angle!

severak 29.4.2019 10:39:13

Introducing USWDS 2.0 | United States Web Design System

Today, we’re launching U.S. Web Design System 2.0 (USWDS 2.0), a new foundation for the future of our design system. This new version was designed to make it easier for any project to integrate USWDS and use it to support both your mission and the needs of your audience.

severak 27.4.2019 23:55:30

Environmentální žal. Jak si poradit s hlubokým smutkem z vymírání druhů a klimatických změn?

Potkávám čím dál víc smutných lidí. Nevědí, jestli jejich děti v budoucnu najdou zdravé místo pro život. Samotné se mě často dotknou filmy o zanikajících ostrovních státech. A přesto mi lidé dokážou do očí tvrdit, že klimatická změna neexistuje. Potkala jsem se s dalšími ženami, které trpí podobným pocitem smutku, a oslovila i terapeutku, která se rozhodla tomuto věnovat. Nakonec jsem pochopila, že i lidé, kteří sami stojí v opozici, tím žalem nejspíš sami trpí. Jen jinak.

severak 26.4.2019 23:29:25

Moby's Drum Machine & Synth Collection


severak 26.4.2019 14:34:34

Vše, co teď bereme jako samozřejmost, bude minulostí

Následující rozhovor z minulého vydání Respektu vyvolal velký ohlas a diskuze nejen mezi pravidelnými čtenáři týdeníku. Na četné žádosti ho proto…

severak 25.4.2019 16:47:48

How Morocco was once a haven for gay Westerners

A British man has flown home from Morocco after being jailed for "homosexual acts" - there was a time though when Morocco was a haven for gay writers.

severak 25.4.2019 15:15:53

Umělci promítali požadavky na budovu pražského magistrátu. Chtějí vyhlášení stavu klimatické nouze

Stav klimatické nouze, Praha bezuhlíková nebo Umění pro klima. To jsou hesla, která ve středu večer promítali umělci na budovu magistrátu hlavního města. Upozorňují tak podle svých slov na to, že zastupitelstvo dosud nepřijalo konkrétní strategická opatření, která by reagovala na změny klimatu.

severak 25.4.2019 13:06:47

Oil well fire

Oil well fires are oil or gas wells that have caught on fire and burn. Oil well fires can be the result of human actions, such as accidents or arson, or natural events, such as lightning. They can exist on a small scale, such as an oil field spill catching fire, or on a huge scale, as in geyser-like jets of flames from ignited high pressure wells. A frequent cause of a well fire is a high-pressure blowout during drilling operations. Extinguishing the fires Oil well fires are more difficult to extinguish than regular fires due to the enormous fuel supply for the fire. In fighting a fire at a wellhead, typically high explosives, such as dynamite, are used to create a shockwave that pushes the burning fuel and local atmospheric oxygen away from a well. (This is a similar principle to blowing out a candle.) The flame is removed and the fuel can continue to spill out without catching fire. After blowing out the fire, the wellhead must be capped to stop the flow of oil. During this time, copious fuel and oxygen are present; any spark or other heat source might ignite a fire worse than the original blowout. Thus...

severak 23.4.2019 19:57:21

Russian Photographer Shoots Moscow With Blade Runner Aesthetics

Gallery | Konstantin Vikhrov's work captures the bright but bleak side of Moscow by night.

severak 23.4.2019 16:40:55

How Social Media Killed Internet Art Communities

Zany, early creative communities like DeviantArt and have been steamrolled by homogenous social media platforms.

severak 23.4.2019 09:55:40

Making a Game Boy game in 2017: A "Sheep It Up!" Post-Mortem (part 1/2)

What does it take to release a new game cartridge for the Game Boy in 2017? Here’s my experience, with a lot of details on the tools I used and the challenges I faced!

severak 22.4.2019 12:36:34



severak 22.4.2019 11:32:03

Canary trap

A canary trap is a method for exposing an information leak by giving different versions of a sensitive document to each of several suspects and seeing which version gets leaked. It could be one false statement, to see if sensitive information gets out to other people as well. Special attention is paid to the quality of the prose of the unique language, in the hopes that the suspect will repeat it verbatim in the leak, thereby identifying the version of the document. The term was coined by Tom Clancy in his novel Patriot Games, although Clancy did not invent the technique. The actual method (usually referred to as a barium meal test in espionage circles) has been used by intelligence agencies for many years. The fictional character Jack Ryan describes the technique he devised for identifying the sources of leaked classified documents: Each summary paragraph has six different versions, and the mixture of those paragraphs is unique to each numbered copy of the paper. There are over a thousand possible permutations, but only ninety-six numbered copies of the actual document. The reason the summary paragraphs are so lurid is to entice a...

severak 22.4.2019 10:30:05

Analog hole

The analog hole (also known as the analog loophole) is a perceived fundamental and inevitable vulnerability in copy protection schemes for noninteractive works in digital formats which can be exploited to duplicate copy-protected works that are ultimately reproduced using analog means. Once digital information is converted to a human-perceptible (analog) form, it is a relatively simple matter to digitally recapture that analog reproduction in an unrestricted form, thereby fundamentally circumventing any and all restrictions placed on copyrighted digitally distributed work. Media publishers who use digital rights management (DRM), to restrict how a work can be used, perceive the necessity to make it visible or audible as a "hole" in the control that DRM otherwise affords them. Overview Although the technology for creating digital recordings from analog sources has existed for some time, it was not necessarily viewed as a "hole" until the widespread deployment of DRM in the late 1990s. However, if high-quality equipment is not used to perform the conversion, the resulting copy may have low fidelity compared to the digital...

severak 22.4.2019 10:11:18

Oddware: "Copy protected" audio CDs & installing the Sony rootkit


severak 21.4.2019 00:13:57

Jordan Peterson vs Slavoj Žižek was more a performance than a debate

The Prima Donna from Tranna and the Hot Lava from Ljubljana debated capitalism, Marxism and happiness, but not much ground was gained on either side

severak 21.4.2019 00:02:09

The 'debate of the century': what happened when Jordan Peterson debated Slavoj Žižek

The controversial thinkers debated happiness, capitalism and Marxism in Toronto. It was billed as a meeting of titans – and that it was not. But it did reveal one telling commonality

severak 20.4.2019 21:54:02

Dánská neziskovka zná recept na osamělost. Mladým lidem nabízí večery, kde si mohou najít kamarády

Jeden z deseti mladých Dánů trpí osamělostí, a to navzdory tomu, že Dánsko boduje v žebříčcích nejšťastnějších zemí světa. Právě těm, kdo se cítí sami, nabízí své služby nezisková organizace Ventilen. V rámci ní se dvakrát týdně schází mladí Dánové od 15 do 25 let s dobrovolníky Ventilenu a společně hrají hry, vaří nebo chodí do kina. Díky tomu se mohou s někým skamarádit a společně čelit problémům spojeným s osamělostí, jako je třeba deprese.

severak 19.4.2019 11:05:24

The interview: Slavoj Žižek

Maybe in the 20th century we wanted to change the world too quickly. Now, instead of only changing the world, we should also learn to step back and interpret it again in a better way.

severak 19.4.2019 00:44:36

All that you need to know (!) about 80s Synths


severak 18.4.2019 13:57:31

Optimizing Inefficiency: Human folly and the quest for the worst sorting algorithm

Lookup Bogosort, Slowsort, or Stooge sort on Wikipedia sometime and prepare to enter a deep rabbit hole which leads to the strange world…

severak 18.4.2019 10:34:50

How creative commons licenses work []

creative commons licenses explained. How to correctly license music for YouTube

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