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Borut Vogelnik: Náš umělecký systém byl velmi uzavřený
We Chat, They Watch: How International Users Unwittingly Build up WeChat’s Chinese Censorship Apparatus - The Citizen Lab
Malxe (Lower Sorbian Małksa) is a river in Brandenburg, Germany. Due to open pit lignite mining, its upper course and lower course have been separated. The upper course, which is also referred to as Malxe-Neiße-Kanal, leads from Döbern along Forst (Lausitz) to Briesnig, where it discharges into the Lusatian Neisse. The Malxe proper, the former lower course, starts at the western edge of the Jänschwalde open pit mine, in Heinersbrück, and flows through Peitz to Schmogrow-Fehrow, where it joins the Hammergraben, forming the Großes Fließ. See also List of rivers of Brandenburg...
This Sunday, musician Paul Purgas presents a documentary on the extraordinary and overlooked electronic music produced by the students of India's National Institute Of Design in the late 1960s and early 1970s. He speaks to Patrick Clarke about his discoveries
Česko trápí sucho. Když ale konečně zaprší, lidé se vedle vláhy mohou radovat i z další věci: z vůně deště. Říká se jí petrichor a způsobuje ji organická sloučenina geosmin.
Article discussing sadness, depression, and how it relates to City Pop.
How apocalyptic is now? - UnHerd
A real, not-clickbaity, average Chinese wet market
Jaký je doopravdy? Co je pravda, co image, kde končí legenda a začíná člověk? Biografie sportovce, politika a umělce Zdeňka Gaunyho Pernici.
Prologue Bluezone ( Android , iOS ) is a Bluetooth-based contact tracing app sponsored by the Government of Vietnam and developed by a c...
Shaun Greenhalgh (born 1960) is a British artist and former art forger. Over a seventeen-year period, between 1989 and 2006, he produced a large number of forgeries. Teaming up with his brother and elderly parents, who fronted the sales side of the operation, he successfully sold his fakes internationally to museums, auction houses, and private buyers, accruing nearly £1 million.The family have been described by Scotland Yard as "possibly the most diverse forgery team in the world, ever". However, when they attempted to sell three Assyrian reliefs using the same provenance as they had previously, suspicions were raised. Apprehended, Shaun Greenhalgh was sentenced to prison for four years and eight months in November 2007.The Victoria and Albert Museum in London held an exhibition of Greenhalgh's works from 23 January to 7 February 2010.The Metropolitan Police’s art and antiques unit built a replica model of the shed where the works were created and labelled Greenhalgh "the most diverse art forger known in history". Many of his fakes, including the Amarna Princess, Risley Park Lanx, and works by Barbara Hepworth and...
The world's first commercially available string synthesizer, the Eminent 310, came from an unlikely source, a Dutch home organ manufacturer. It was further advanced through an even more unlikely partnership, with the legendary American synth makers ARP...
Iyashikei: Japan’s Genre of “Healing Games”
A classic Apple ][ program that performed music in two voices.
Ministerstvo obrany vymáhá po firmě Xena Praha pokutu 666 milionů korun kvůli zakázce na sportovní boty pro vojáky. Podle resortu měla obuv vady. Firma to odmítá a spor řeší Městský soud v Praze.
Britský novinář Geoff White vystopoval tvůrce viru, který před dvaceti lety napáchal škody za miliardy dolarů.
Čeští Němci se před sto lety probudili do státu, který nechtěli. Jejich osud v zemi, v níž žili a ke které patřili po celá staletí, se pomalu začal naplňovat. Pokus o společné soužití v novém československém státě skončil jejich násilným odsunem po zvěrstvech druhé světové války. Od té doby dodnes…
“Politics” has become a dirty word in gaming, especially when angrily screamed—or, as is usually the case, frantically typed—by a vocal minority of reactionary video game fans. But for more progressive players, games often aren’t political enough. Or, when they do take a position, they push objectionable conservative concepts like capitalism, imperialism, and militarism. Tonight We Riot bucks these trends by proudly wearing its decidedly leftist ideology on its sleeve.
Kraftwerk: Popzoo TV Special (Karl Bartos & Wolfgang Flür)
In May Swedish film-maker Malik Bendjelloul – who had won an Oscar for Searching for Sugar Man – shocked everyone by taking his own life. Andrew Anthony tries to make sense of a tragedy
This tool takes a pixel font as an image and makes an actual TTF file out of it!
Is it a troll, a code or an actual name? And how do you pronounce it? One Guardian staffer asked another to explain the decision ... quickly
I made a messaging app for my family and my family only.
Za druhé světové války byl nastolen na Slovensku satelitní režim nacistického Německa, v jehož čele usedl prezident-kněz Jozef Tiso. Byl sice nejvýraznějším, ale nikoli jediným katolickým knězem, který se pustil v této temné době do politického angažmá. Kniha historika Miloslava Szabó nazvaná Klérofašisti zkoumá osudy a myšlení slovenských (nejen) katolických kněží, kteří podlehli vábení fašistické ideologie.
On May 4th, 2000, at 11:29AM… the following email was sent out. Known as the “ILOVEYOU” virus, this email contained a single file attachment with the file name of “LOVE-LETTER-FOR-YOU.txt.vbs” – a VBScript file. When opened, on a Windows PC with the default settings, this VBScript ran and performed the following actions: Makes multiple copies of itself – including in the Windows and Windows System directories with official looking names like MSKernel32.
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