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severak 12.3.2019 10:19:20

Magnetic resonance imaging of male and female genitals during coitus and female sexual arousal

Objective: To find out whether taking images of the male and female genitals during coitus is feasible and to find out whether former and current ideas about the anatomy during sexual intercourse and during female sexual arousal are based on assumptions or on facts. Design: Observational study. Setting: University hospital in the Netherlands. Methods: Magnetic resonance imaging was used to study the female sexual response and the male and female genitals during coitus. Thirteen experiments were performed with eight couples and three single women. Results: The images obtained showed that during intercourse in the “missionary position” the penis has the shape of a boomerang and 1/3 of its length consists of the root of the penis. During female sexual arousal without intercourse the uterus was raised and the anterior vaginal wall lengthened. The size of the uterus did not increase during sexual arousal. Conclusion: Taking magnetic resonance images of the male and female genitals during coitus is feasible and contributes to understanding of anatomy.

severak 16.5.2018 16:32:04

The Rage of the Incels

Incels aren’t really looking for sex. They’re looking for absolute male supremacy.

severak 7.2.2018 17:05:03

What Teenagers Are Learning From Online Porn

American adolescents watch much more pornography than their parents know — and it’s shaping their ideas about pleasure, power and intimacy. Can they be taught to see it more critically?

severak 12.1.2018 22:51:14

Sociální sítě Miloše Čermáka: A teď něco lechtivého. 10 čísel vypovídajících o tom, co děláme, když neděláme ”nic”

...jeden americký časopis se před pár lety rozhodl zjistit, kolik pravdy je na nejotřepanějších klišé pornografických filmů. Toho typu, že muž doručí pizzu ženě, která nemá čím zaplatit, tak mu místo peněz nabídne sex. Dobrá, není to zrovna investigativní novinářská práce na úrovni aféry Watergate, ale i tak byl výsledek zajímavý. Nepodařilo se najít jediného člověka, ať už muže, nebo ženu, který by něco podobného zažil.

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