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severákova polívka

asi zelňačka (mainly in czech)

(fork of

severak 12.6.2019 22:46:16

A medieval castle in France could be Notre Dame's salvation

Stonemasons, blacksmiths and other workers are building a medieval castle at Guédelon, in France. Their work could help rebuild the burned Paris cathedral.

severak 12.6.2019 14:27:39

High-Tech can’t last: there are limited essential elements


severak 12.6.2019 09:43:28

Unraveling The JPEG

JPEG images are everywhere in our digital lives, but behind the veil of familiarity lie algorithms that remove details that are imperceptible to the human eye. This produces the highest visual quality with the smallest file size—but what does that look like? Let's see what our eyes can't see!

severak 12.6.2019 09:39:23

Interaktivní mapa bytové nouze: Prahu trápí bezdomovectví, Ostravu byty v žalostném stavu

Půl roku strávili analytici Platformy pro sociální bydlení shromažďováním dat z ubytoven, azylových domů, či údajů o počtu lidí na ulici. Unikátní data si můžete prohlédnout v interaktivní mapě.

severak 11.6.2019 16:59:48

how to do nothing

This is the transcript of a keynote talk I gave at EYEO 2017 in Minneapolis. An adapted version appears in my book, How to Do Nothing…

severak 11.6.2019 12:13:36

Men Have No Friends and Women Bear the Burden

Women are increasingly playing the role of best friend, lover, and on-call therapist to their male partners.

severak 11.6.2019 10:57:18

Petr Bittner: Octli jste se ve facebookové diskusi? Vyhledejte pomoc - Deník Referendum

V diskusi na sociální síti prohráváte bez ohledu na argumenty: ztratíte s ní celé odpoledne, vynaložíte maximální úsilí a přesto skončíte jen s nepříjemnou pachutí a nesmyslnými konflikty s lidmi, kterých si ve skutečném světě vážíte.

severak 10.6.2019 22:54:02

Stealth Groover / Kevin MacLeod

A new song by Kevin MacLeod

severak 10.6.2019 09:43:10

OSA zla a férový boj všech proti všem

Až OSA vysaje peníze ze všech klubů a festivalů, můžou to zabalit i muzikanti. Nikdo je už nebude potřebovat.

severak 7.6.2019 17:44:26

Mosuo women

The Mosuo (Chinese: 摩梭; pinyin: Mósuō) are a small ethnic group living in Yunnan and Sichuan provinces in China, close to the border with Tibet. Dubbed the 'Kingdom of Women' by the Chinese, the Mosuo population of about 50,000 live near Lugu Lake in the Tibetan Himalayas 27°42′35.30″N 100°47′4.04″E. Scholars use diverse terms and spellings to designate the Mosuo culture. Most prefer 'Mosuo' some spell it 'Moso', while a minority use neither term, but refer to them as the Na people. The Mosuo people are known as the 'Kingdom of Women' because the Na are a matrilineal society: heterosexual activity occurs only by mutual consent and mostly through the custom of the secret nocturnal 'visit'; men and women are free to have multiple partners, and to initiate or break off relationships when they please. The origin of matrilineality/matriarchal ...

severak 7.6.2019 13:53:34

In the zone

Ukrainian director Myroslav Slaboshpytskiy on filming inside Chernobyl

severak 7.6.2019 13:44:55

HBO’s Chernobyl tells a version of Soviet history that’s vital for both Russia and America

Does it take a foreign production to represent Soviet history for a Russian audience?

severak 7.6.2019 12:17:06

Černoši v Černobylu a taková normální globální hysterie

Proč se z naprosto bezvýznamného tweetu jedné Britky stala globální mediální senzace? A co to říká o současném světě?

severak 7.6.2019 11:45:56

pseudotechno koko

BeepBox is an online tool for sketching and sharing chiptune melodies.

severak 7.6.2019 09:50:31

Why HBO's "Chernobyl" Gets Nuclear So Wrong

If Hollywood ever decides to tell the true story of nuclear it won’t need to resort to sensationalism.

severak 6.6.2019 15:30:24

Anatomie jednoho hoaxu, který sdílí KSČM. „Protestujícím nabízeli peníze a příště vytáhnou i mrtvolu.“ - Seznam Zprávy

Včerejší demonstrace na Václavském náměstí přivedla do centra Prahy podle organizátorů 120 tisíc lidí. Několik týdnů protestů vyvolalo velké emoce a stalo se i námětem pro šíření dezinformací. KSČM na svém Facebooku sdílela post, ve kterém se odkazuje na to, že demonstrující byli za účast placeni, a píše se v něm i to, že „sorosovci jsou na dalších akcích připraveni vytáhnout i skutečnou mrtvolu“.

severak 6.6.2019 12:01:40

Online abuse: teenagers might not report it because they often don't see it as a problem

Research into attitudes reveals some startling findings.

severak 5.6.2019 17:10:09

What HBO’s “Chernobyl” Got Right, and What It Got Terribly Wrong

The show’s creators imagine confrontation where it was unthinkable—and, in doing so, they cross the line from conjuring a fiction to creating a lie.

severak 5.6.2019 16:55:36

Chernobyl’s Cars Paint a Fascinating and Grim Picture Of Soviet Life

At this very moment, the highest-rated television show on IMDb, beating out The Wire, Breaking Bad, the first few actually good seasons of Game of Thrones and other worshipped favorites is a bleakly terrifying mini-series about a nuclear disaster that happened 33 years ago in a country that no longer actually exists. The series is HBO’s Chernobyl, and in addition to being an incredibly engaging and disturbing account of what happened there, it is also a fantastic place to see lots of Soviet cars that rarely make it onto mass-market American television screens.

severak 5.6.2019 16:40:07

Craig Mazin's Years-Long Obsession with Making 'Chernobyl' Terrifyingly Accurate

"We had a general standing philosophy from the beginning, which was: Accuracy is everything to us."

severak 5.6.2019 16:00:31

How to Put a Raspberry Pi Inside the Official Raspberry Pi Keyboard

In the early days of home computing, it was quite common to see “all-in-one” computers that were built into the keyboard. Popular models…

severak 5.6.2019 12:58:15

Paper Radio : The Cosmic Frequency

Paper Radio. Stories, tall and true, from Australia and New Zealand. A creative audio fiction and non-fiction podcast from Australia and New Zealand.

severak 3.6.2019 12:25:47

How the news took over reality

The long read: Is engagement with current affairs key to being a good citizen? Or could an endless torrent of notifications be harming democracy as well as our wellbeing?

severak 3.6.2019 10:31:24

The prison inside: Japan's hikikomori lack relationships, not physical spaces | The Japan Times

Fifty-three-year-old Kenji Yamase doesn't fit the traditional image of a hikikomori, but then perceptions of Japan's social recluses are changing. "People

severak 3.6.2019 01:24:34

Zhores Medvedev and the battle for truth in Soviet science – Michael D Gordin | Aeon Ideas

On Zhores Medvedev: The scientists the Soviet Union created became some of its most powerful and courageous critics

severak 1.6.2019 14:44:29

Gini coefficient

In economics, the Gini coefficient ( JEE-nee), sometimes called Gini index, or Gini ratio, is a measure of statistical dispersion intended to represent the income or wealth distribution of a nation's residents, and is the most commonly used measurement of inequality. It was developed by the Italian statistician and sociologist Corrado Gini and published in his 1912 paper Variability and Mutability (Italian: Variabilità e mutabilità).The Gini coefficient measures the inequality among values of a frequency distribution (for example, levels of income). A Gini coefficient of zero expresses perfect equality, where all values are the same (for example, where everyone has the same income). A Gini coefficient of 1 (or 100%) expresses maximal inequality among values (e.g., for a large number of people, where only one person has all the income or consumption, and all others have none, the Gini coefficient will be very nearly one). However, a value greater than one may occur if some persons represent negative contribution to the total (for...

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