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severákova polívka

asi zelňačka (mainly in czech)

(fork of

severak 1.6.2019 14:44:18

Dluhy-Smith: Černobílé vidění světa. Krize ve Venezuele není bojem dobra proti zlu

Krize ve Venezuele trvá několik měsíců, vlastně let, a vláda prezidenta Nicolase Madura se stále drží u moci. I přes nedávný pokus o státní převrat venezuelské opozice vedené Juanem Guaidóem. Ten nevyšel a vypadá to, že se opozice bude muset spokojit s oficiálním vyjednáváním, které se bude odehrávat v příštích týdnech v Norsku.

severak 31.5.2019 14:23:44


Russian X-Ray Records, Bone Music, X-Ray Bootlegs, Soviet Forbidden Music, Roentgenizdat, Jazz on Bones, Music on Ribs

severak 31.5.2019 11:03:44

So you want to build a journey planner

Having studied graph theory at university and also having the… pleasure of working in the rail industry building a journey planner has…

severak 31.5.2019 09:55:44

How markets plundered Free Software's best stuff and used it to create freedom for companies, not people


severak 31.5.2019 09:37:59

I tried creating a web browser, and Google blocked me

After 4 months of waiting, that is the response I got from Widevine, Google’s DRM for web browsers, regarding a license agreement. For the last 2 years I’ve been working on a web browser that now cannot be completed because Google, the creators of the open source browser Chrome, won’t allow DRM in an open source project. The browser I’m building, called Metastream, is an Electron-based (Chromium derived), MIT-licensed browser hosted on GitHub.

severak 30.5.2019 10:30:44

The Unbuilt Soviet Metro System that Haunts Latvia’s Capital: Beginnings


severak 29.5.2019 13:40:56

Natural Stupidity is more Dangerous than Artificial Intelligence

Do you know what’s more dangerous than artificial intelligence? Natural stupidity. In this article, I will explore natural stupidity in…

severak 29.5.2019 12:30:49

Chernobyl by Andrew Leatherbarrow on Exposure

This text, titled “Chernobyl 01:23:40”, is available to order as an ebook and physical book from Amazon. The book was released on April 26th to coincide with the accident’s 30th anniversary. The version on this webpage is very out of date compared to the final book, but I’ll leave it here as a resource.

severak 28.5.2019 14:48:58

Prdopeč, spoďáry nebo chemoška. Blogerka sbírá slova, za která by se Češi měli stydět | Aktuálně.cz

Rozhovor s autorkou instagramového účtu Slova z pekla o nejtrapnějších výrazech, které lidé používají, aniž by si uvědomovali, že jsou trapné.

severak 28.5.2019 13:44:29

Henrietta Lacks

Henrietta Lacks (born Loretta Pleasant; August 1, 1920 – October 4, 1951) was an African-American woman whose cancer cells are the source of the HeLa cell line, the first immortalized cell line and one of the most important cell lines in medical research. An immortalized cell line reproduces indefinitely under specific conditions, and the HeLa cell line continues to be a source of invaluable medical data to the present day.Lacks was the unwitting source of these cells from a tumor biopsied during treatment for cervical cancer at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, Maryland, U.S., in 1951. These cells were then cultured by George Otto Gey who created the cell line known as HeLa, which is still used for medical research. As was then the practice, no consent was obtained to culture her cells, nor were she or her family compensated for their extraction or use. Lacks grew up in rural Virginia. After giving birth to two of their children, she married her cousin David "Day" Lacks. In 1941 the young family moved to Turner Station, near Dundalk, Maryland, in Baltimore County, so Day could work in Bethlehem Steel at Sparrows Point...

severak 28.5.2019 12:00:35

Mileniálové útočí: angažovanost v poezii literární generace Y

„lze po této básni ještě opakovat Osvětim?“ – Roman Rops-Tůma   Na počátku letošního roku obletěla svět (včetně světa českých médií) těžko uvě...

severak 28.5.2019 10:24:59

Why Every Vehicle Should Have An Electric Motor, Even If It Doesn't Have A Plug

I'll start off this article by admitting that I was totally wrong on the subject of this article a couple of years ago. Sometimes your first impression of a technology is clouded by your biases, sometimes it is clouded by your lack of knowledge, sometimes it is just laziness. In my case, it was all 3.

severak 28.5.2019 09:50:35

Ďábel se skrývá v procesu: jak se z bruselského nápadu snížit emise staly české lány řepky

Na začátku byla snaha evropských úředníků snížit emise uhlíku přidáváním biosložky do pohonných hmot. Během několika let z nápadu vystřízlivěli.

severak 26.5.2019 00:50:46

Kovy o coming outu: Nejdelší boj byl pro mě ten vnitřní -

Karel Kovář známý jako Kovy je jedním z nejúspěšnějších českých youtuberů. Ve svých dvaadvaceti letech má na svém youtubovém kanálu 750 000 odběratelů a jeho nejúspěšnější video dosáhlo deseti milionů zhlédnutí. Jeho youtubová tvorba je pestrá a najdeme v ní jak parodie, vlogy, tak i infotainmentová videa, která mají divákům zábavnou formou přiblížit důležitá společenská témata. Kovář minulý rok stihl vydat i svou prvotinu, autobiografii, kde se mimo jiné veřejně přihlásil k homosexualitě. V osobně laděném rozhovoru jsme se bavili nejen o tom, jak svou orientaci přijímal on a jak na ní reaguje jeho okolí, ale také o kreativitě a humoru.

severak 25.5.2019 22:43:21

10 most common audio mistakes in documentary filmmaking


severak 22.5.2019 23:51:44

4chan’s ‘Doomer’ Memes Are a Strange Frontier in Online Extremism


severak 22.5.2019 23:45:52

F The World (a documentary on how to save it) | The Serfs


severak 22.5.2019 15:13:56

Jerusalem Haredi protesters flee after women strip down to bras

Ultra-Orthodox males demonstrating against Eurovision Shabbat 'desecration' leave scene rather than look at immodestly clad females

severak 22.5.2019 10:05:28

507 Mechanical Movements

About 507 Mechanical Movements

severak 21.5.2019 13:33:05

Sci-Hub | | 10.1056/NEJMp1811491

Stroumsa, D., Roberts, E. F. S., Kinnear, H., & Harris, L. H. (2019). The Power and Limits of Classification — A 32-Year-Old Man with Abdominal Pain. New England Journal of Medicine, 380(20), 1885–1888. doi:10.1056/nejmp1811491

severak 21.5.2019 11:32:40

The Convivial Society, No. 17: Arduous Interfaces

"Hospitality was a condition consequent on a good society in politics, *politaea*, and by now might be the starting point of *politaea*, of politics. But this is difficult because hospitality requires...

severak 21.5.2019 10:27:04

TempleOS: 1 - Installation

Posted on 2019-05-20

severak 21.5.2019 09:39:17

The Rasterbator

Wall art generator. Enlarges images to multiple pages, which you can then print and combine into huge posters.

severak 20.5.2019 13:39:27

Noční směna bez lidí a čipy v rukou. Jak vypadá továrna, kde práci přebírají roboti a AI -

Podívejte se s námi do továrny ve Švédsku, která míří k plné automatizaci, dělníky tam nahrazují roboti a hledají vzdělané inženýry.

severak 20.5.2019 13:19:29

Inside a Transnational, 12-Hour Coding Hackathon on a Train

I went to Synchrony, one of the US's last active demoparties, where programmers showcase artistic audiovisual works made in marathon coding sessions.

see more...
