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A gallery of retrocomputing that shaped the C language
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Rusové se experimentů nebáli nikdy. Pokrok a avantgarda byly jednou z hlavních myšlenek komunistického náboženství.
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Rock History 101: The Buggles’ “Video Killed the Radio Star”
An Amiga, Deluxe Paint and a mouse. From the late 80s to the early 90s, these 3 tools were at the core of numerous graphic designers’ workstations in the West. It took years for the Japanese industry to start adopting commercial engines such as Unity and Unreal Engine, most of those companies were used to develop their own engines before that. This home-made approach wasn’t exclusive to game engines; at a time when most Western companies used the same sound engine on Mega Drive -GEMS-, Japanese developers often produced their own. Regarding graphic design, it was pretty much the same: there was almost one kind of setting per company in Japan.
Drzymała's wagon (Polish: wóz Drzymały) was a house on wheels built by Michał Drzymała as a protest against Imperial Germany's policy of Germanization in its Polish territories. Its owner, the peasant Michał Drzymała (1857-1937), was not only able to circumvent German building regulations by moving his home every day, but with his wagon-home became a Polish folk hero during the Partitions of Poland. In 1886, by resolution of the Prussian Landtag, a Settlement Commission had been established to encourage German settlement in the Province of Posen and West Prussia. The Commission was empowered to purchase vacant property of the Polish szlachta and sell it to approved German applicants. The Prussian government regarded this as a measure designed to counteract the German "Flight from the East" (Ostflucht) and reduce the number of Poles, who were migrating to the area in hundreds of thousands looking for work. In Polish eyes, the establishment of the Commission was an aggressive measure designed to drive Poles from their lands. While the campaign against Polish landownership largely missed its aims, it produced a strong opposition with...
Ze dřeva nebo kovu, se zdmi nebo s pouhou stříškou. Jan Vrabec za poslední léta viděl autobusové zastávky v jejich nejrůznějších podobách. To, co pro něj původně začalo jako zábava se synem, se postupně proměnilo v osobní vášeň, dokumentaristický projekt a knihu, která právě vychází.
Synth DIY - how to start?
Paula Yates was an interesting figure who sadly passed away much too early at the age of 40 a number of years ago. In the 1970s she had a column called “Natural Blonde” in the Record Mirror and used the Reform Club in London for the site of her Penthouse spread. In the 1990s Yates had a show on Channel 4 called The Big Breakfast in which she would interview people while lying in a bed. She was married to Bob Geldof for a while, and they had a messy divorce in 1996 when she left him for Michael Hutchence of INXS. Hutchence committed suicide in 1997 and Yates died of a heroin overdose in 2000, which probably tells you everything you need to know about the volatility of their relationship. Paula Yates When she was still in her early twenties, in 1980, Yates released a cheeky book called Rock Stars in Their Underpants. It was just what it seemed to be, a series of pictures of prominent rock musicians wearing underwear. Andy Warhol somewhat hilariously called it ‘‘the greatest work of art in the last decade.’‘ In addition to the luminaries pictured here, the book features Yates’ future husband Geldof...
Nad přehradou Hracholusky na Plzeňsku pokračuje výměna 117 let starého ocelového železničního mostu. Jde o unikátní a v Evropě dosud nevyzkoušený postup. Technici namontovali nový most na starý a teď jimi pomalu otáčí o 180 stupňů. Až bude nová konstrukce na svém místě, starý most po ní vysunou pryč.
Je zázrak, že si devadesátkové děti zachovaly ještě nějaký hudební vkus. Tak poslouchejte, jaký úchylárny jsme si pouštěli do uší. Začíná hudební smršť.
Is the Chinese government behind one of the boldest art-crime waves in history?
Secret Life of the Professor Who Lives with Nazis
When #MeToo Came to Ancient Rome
This article explains how I've used Go, Mapbox and OpenStreetMap to render maps into PNG images.
Češi ročně spotřebují 160 milionů denních dávek moderních antidepresiv. Ještě přitom nejsme ani na průměru zemí OECD. Ale jen čtyři procenta pacientů chodí podle odhadů na psychoterapii.
Downloadable games are the format of the future, but they’re not a modern invention. Eager computer users were downloading wirelessly over 30 years ago.
Vladimir Putin o sobě říká, že je věřící a má silný vztah k ruské pravoslavné církvi. Je-li tomu tak, možná se každý večer před usnutím modlí a táže Boha: „Proč jen jsi na Ukrajině nestvořil nějaké...
Prahu čeká sexuální revoluce. Žádná nezávazná konverzace a kupování předražených drinků děvčatům u baru. Jako první svého druhu v České republice zde dnes začíná nabízet své služby nevěstinec s erotickými pannami. Klient si bude moci vybrat ze dvou "žen" a erotický zážitek si může pořídit již za 1200 korun. Podnik má velké vize pro celou Evropu.
Крайне неудачный монтаж опоры
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