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severákova polívka

asi zelňačka (mainly in czech)

(fork of

severak 7.11.2018 10:15:47

Odposlech mobilů pomocí Stingray a hackovací nástroje NSA (OpenAlt) -

Jak se odposlouchávaly mobily v minulosti a jak se to dělá dnes? Jak mocné jsou uniklé hackovací nástroje od NSA? Na co se zaměřit při bezpečném…

severak 6.11.2018 22:23:31

Solarpunk Anarchist

Imagining and Building Better Worlds

severak 6.11.2018 15:39:38

(Pro) Bio for my grandchildren(and their descendants)


severak 6.11.2018 15:36:07

New Midnight Cassette System

The Overnightscape Underground - Lot 88: New Midnight Cassette System 34 tracks [4263-4296] 55:21:29 / New Midnight Cassette System is 55 hours of public domain music you can use any way you want, with no strings attached. I'm Frank Edward Nora, host of The Overnightscape, and I produced all this music on a MadPlayer in the Summer of 2012 in New Jersey, USA. The MadPlayer was a "generative music" device that creates random music based on algorithms. It was released in 2002, but is now long discontinued. Music created on the MadPlayer is the creative work of the artist using it. Therefore, as the producer of this set of music, I have the right to release it into the public domain. In order to make this public domain declaration even stronger, I am releasing this music under the Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Public Domain Dedication ( I've been doing Internet radio and podcasting for well over a decade now, and I have spent a huge amount of time searching for music I could use on my shows. The MadPlayer was a wonderful discovery for me, because I was able to use it for background music on my shows - legally and without any strings attached. Since the MadPlayer is no longer available, I wanted to to make some of this music available to anyone who wants to use it. This is exactly the kind of resource I would have loved to have discovered in the past, so I am more than happy to make it available. You can use the music of New Midnight Cassette System in any way you like, with absolutely no strings attached. It can be used for commercial or non-commercial purposes. It can be edited, cut, sliced, and derived without limitation. You do not have to give me credit or attribution at all. This music is free and clear for any use. If you do want to include attribution, you can use: "Music from New Midnight Cassette System by Frank Edward Nora (host of The Overnightscape)." But again, no attribution is required. You could use this music in a feature film that makes hundreds of millions of dollars and you would still not need to get any further permission, give me credit, or pay me anything. It is my pleasure to make this music freely available. The music itself is electronic, in a variety of different genres. For this project, I used a MadPlayer with software version P1.29.06, which has 34 different genres. I recorded 90+ minutes of each genre onto my Roland R-05 recorder as MP3s at 192 kbps stereo. I produced the original Midnight Cassette System back in June 2010, with the same public domain license. It was done on a different MadPlayer, with software version P1.22.28, with less genres, each recording under an hour, at 128 kbps stereo MP3. It was always my intention to release more Midnight Cassette System, and that's why I decided to do this project. It was quite time-consuming, but I am pleased with it, and hope you all enjoy using the music!

severak 6.11.2018 14:39:28

Software disenchantment

Everything is going to hell and nobody seems to care

severak 5.11.2018 12:28:15

Apple’s New Map

Has Apple closed the gap with Google’s map?

severak 5.11.2018 10:32:01

Thread by @Foone: "It is 2018 and this error message is a mistake from 1974. This limitation, which is still found in the very latest Windows 10, dates back to […]"

Thread by @Foone: "It is 2018 and this error message is a mistake from 1974. This limitation, which is still found in the very latest Windowss back to BEFORE STAR WARS. This bug is as old as Watergate. When this was developed, nothing had UPC codes y […]"

severak 5.11.2018 09:43:49

My Amazon Interview Horror Story | Igor Kromin

It must be that time of the year that Amazon's vampires, err, I mean recruiters awaken, come out of the woodwork and try to gather new initiates. Indeed it is very fitting that this is happening around Halloween! Two years ago, after a rather unpleasant interview process, I asked to be put on a do-not-contact register so I thought that I'd never have to hear from an Amazonian again, yet just like in the plot of Groundhog Day, here I am reading yet another email from an Amazon recruiter asking to talk to me about a possible opportunity. Will this horror never end?

severak 3.11.2018 20:03:50

George Carlin - Usage Of The Word Fuck


severak 3.11.2018 19:57:16

How to implement strings

There are many alternatives to C strings. Here we explore the design space.

severak 2.11.2018 14:14:52


Roura is a commune of French Guiana, an overseas region and department of France located in South America. Location The city of Roura is bordered by Matoury and Montsinéry-Tonnegrande in the North, Kourou and Saint-Elie in the North West and West, and finally by Régina in the South and East. Roads The city of Roura is home to 2 main roads. The RD6 road leads to the landing stage of Kaw. This 70-kilometre-long (43 mi) road follows a thalweg through the primal forest. The N2 road leads to Régina and Saint-Georges cities.See also Communes of the Guyane departmentReferences INSEE ...

severak 2.11.2018 10:24:54

How to Build a Low-tech Website?

Our new blog is designed to radically reduce the energy use associated with accessing our content.

severak 2.11.2018 10:04:52

Naše zjištění povedou k novému Norimberskému tribunálu, říká novinář, který odhalil vraždící ruské špiony

Mají jen klávesnici, obrazovku a nadání, které by jim mohl závidět sám Sherlock Holmes. Našli důkazy, že civilní boeing nad ukrajinským Donbasem sestřelila ruská armáda, a ukázali pak prstem na ruského generála, který je podle nich válečným zločincem. Odhalili identitu špionů, kteří chtěli v britském Salisbury zavraždit svého bývalého kolegu Skripala. Ruští novináři...

severak 2.11.2018 09:55:24

„Nikdo mi to nebude věřit! Budu za krávu.“ Mýty a fakta o sexuálním násilí

„Vysoká tolerance k sexuálnímu obtěžování, bagatelizace, zesměšňování, mýty kolem znásilnění, to všechno taky vede k omezování svobody žen. Neustále při svém pohybu kalkulují s možností sexuálního napadení a obtěžování,“ říká kriminolog a instruktor sebeobrany Pavel Houdek. Každý dvacátý muž (v průzkumech) přiznává, že znásilnil ženu, ale každá desátá žena tvrdí, že byla znásilněná. Každý desátý násilník...

severak 2.11.2018 09:38:11

Restituce byla drsnější než znárodnění, vzpomíná potomek zakladatelů slavné firmy, z níž vyrostla Zentiva

Společnost Zentiva, která byla letos na podzim prodána za přibližně 49 miliard korun, vyrostla z prvorepublikové rodinné firmy Léčiva B. F., která patřila k nejvýznamnějším farmaceutickým společnostem v Evropě a kde byl například poprvé v Československu vyvinut penicilin. O kořenech slavného podniku, jeho znárodnění a „zašantročení“ v 90. letech jsme mluvili s potomkem jejích zakladatelů, historikem architektury Benjaminem Fragnerem....

severak 1.11.2018 17:00:54

Fichtelberg im Erzgebirge und Umgebung

Wetter und Landschaft auf Sachsens höchstem Gipfel

severak 1.11.2018 16:36:26

Tři roky žila v Indonésii. Česká republika je ráj, říká po návratu

Měla to být jen o něco delší dovolená. Když ale Monice Bérešové uletělo letadlo, rozhodla se, že indonéský Lombok bude na nějakou chvíli jejím novým domovem. Z té chvíle se nakonec vyklubaly tři roky, při nichž poznala všechny klady i zápory exotického ráje. Až letošní série zemětřesení ji nakonec přiměla vrátit se do Česka. O lidech, životě i atmosféře na Lomboku si povídala s Novinkami.

severak 1.11.2018 16:31:03

Ukrajinec chtěl jet vlakem domů, místo Kyjeva jej poslali do Kyjova -

O více než tisíc kilometrů jinde, než předpokládal, se ocitl Ukrajinec, který chtěl ze Zlína zamířit do své vlasti. Na nádraží mu však špatně rozuměli a místo do hlavního ukrajinského města Kyjeva jej poslali do Kyjova na Hodonínsku.

severak 1.11.2018 13:34:18

A Spectre is Haunting Unicode

In 1978 Japan's Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry established the encoding that would later be known as JIS X 0208, which still serves as an important reference for all Japanese encodings. However, after the JIS standard was released people noticed something strange - several of the added characters had no obvious sources, and nobody could tell what they meant or how they should be pronounced. Nobody was sure where they came from. These are what came to be known as the ghost characters (幽霊文字).

severak 1.11.2018 11:57:31

Rockstar Pulls David Bowie And More From GTA IV

As reported previously by our sister site in the UK, Rockstar is removing a number of songs in Grand Theft Auto IV due to licensing issues. A sizable patch for the game went live today cutting lots of songs across all the radio stations, including some classics, while only adding a few back by way of some lesser known Russian tracks, mostly by Seryoga.

severak 1.11.2018 11:18:27

Nechápu tu drzost, že zrovna lidé, kteří mají tendenci říkat lidem s kým spát, koho si vzít, co nosit na sebe, ve kterého boha věřit, kde si udělat tetování, kde se pohybovat s dready na hlavě, které substance užívat a jaká barva pleti má převažovat v naší společnosti, zrovna mě, člověka, co tohle řešit programově nechce, nazývají sociálním inženýrem.

— ?

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