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According to this technologist, Facebook-turned-Meta founder Mark Zuckerberg isn't trying to revolutionize work. He wants to be the god of a digital heaven.
STOCKTON, CA—Cackling as the steps of the dastardly plan crystallized in her mind, local trans teen Brie Chandler told reporters Tuesday that she had hatched a nefarious plot to undergo years of medical treatments and counseling to win at swimming. “It’s oh, so simple: several years of sweet-talking medical…
Slovník zvukařských pojmů aka Zvukařský slovník
CLever Audio Plug-in, the open standard for audio plug-ins and hosts
High-quality deconvolution software for impulse recovery of reverb, equalizer, speaker cabinet, etc.
+ o čem ten příběh člověka vlastně je?
This is the second in a series of short posts about ChatGPT. As I said before, the insights are not particularly original, I’m just raising awareness of issues. In this post, I’ll explore the deficien
An analysis of a chatbot data set by The Washington Post reveals the proprietary, personal, and often offensive websites that go into an AI’s training data.
Jak se ze skupiny Depeche Mode, zpívající o nerovnosti, chudobě a vykořisťování na Západě, která by bez problémů prošla cenzurou, stal v socialistických zemích underground? Depeche Mode dodnes těží z toho, že se ve správný čas ocitli ve správné studené válce.
Roste zájem o hypotéky. Znamená to, že je bytová krize u konce? Jak moc si Češi váží vlastního bydlení? A kolik je stojí?
C’est une histoire à la fois tragique et interpellante. Un jeune Belge, devenu éco-anxieux, a discuté de manière intensive avec le chatbot Eliza. Après six semaines de conversations avec cette intelligence artificielle, le père de famille a mis fin à ses jours. Un suicide qui met en lumière la nécessité d’encadrer l’utilisation de ces nouveaux agents conversationnels.
There is no “AWS for shadow charities”, so how do we run Anna’s Archive?
The godfather of virtual reality has worked beside the web’s visionaries and power-brokers – but likes nothing more than to show the flaws of technology. He discusses how we can make AI work for us, how the internet takes away choice – and why he would ban TikTok
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