severákova polívka

asi zelňačka (mainly in czech)

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severak 25.7.2020 23:11:21

Six Tunnels Hidden Under Chicago’s Loop

Ever wanted to peel back Chicago’s streets and take a peek underground? At the request of one Curious Citizen, we did just that.

severak 23.7.2020 11:58:58

The Fairlight CMI | National Science and Media Museum blog

An example of the Fairlight CMI, a groundbreaking synthesizer, is part of our Sound Technologies collection. Discover its fascinating history and influence on pop, rock and hip-hop music.

severak 23.7.2020 11:14:19

Po stopách chalupářů z undergroundu v Českém středohoří | Paměť národa

Ve východní části Českého středohoří se můžete vydat po stopách mladých lidí, kteří na venkově hledali v době 70. a 80. letech svobodu. Jejich příběhy ukazují tupou brutalitu normalizačního režimu, který jejich „baráky“nechal zbourat.

severak 16.7.2020 14:42:26

This Woman Inspired One of the First Hit Video Games by Mapping the World’s Longest Cave

Patricia Crowther’s ex-husband coded her cave maps into one of the first hit adventure games in the 1970s, and she had no idea

severak 14.7.2020 15:47:15

Eight go mad in Arizona: how a lockdown experiment went horribly wrong

In the 1990s, a troupe of hippies spent two years sealed inside a dome called Biosphere 2. They ended up starving and gasping for breath. As a new documentary Spaceship Earth tells their story, we meet the ‘biospherians’

severak 11.7.2020 23:08:28

Sexual Exploitation Was the Norm for 19th Century Ballerinas

Wealthy men turned the famous Paris Opera Ballet into a brothel.

severak 9.7.2020 09:39:10

The Gay Marriages of a Nineteenth-Century Prison Ship

What seemed to enrage a former inmate most was the mutual consent of the men he lived with.

severak 8.7.2020 12:57:08

Life in the Nazi village | DW | 01.09.2015

For years, neo-Nazis in northern Germany have been trying to turn the village of Jamel into their own little paradise. A husband and wife who are trying to stop them now have to live with police protection.

severak 2.7.2020 15:49:39

How Police Secretly Took Over a Global Phone Network for Organized Crime

Police monitored a hundred million encrypted messages sent through Encrochat, a network used by career criminals to discuss drug deals, murders, and extortion plots.

severak 2.7.2020 13:19:46

Dark Ages of the Web

Old Web features — frontend and UI patterns

severak 30.6.2020 15:51:19

Láska z tramvaje. Před osmi lety řidič srazil dívku, dnes spolu mají dvě děti

Psal se 4. duben 2012. Tehdy třiadvacetiletému řidiči tramvaje Vítu Malému zbývalo do konce směny pár desítek minut. S tramvají číslo 22 po páté hodině odpolední vjížděl do zastávky Břevnovský klášter. Naproti na zastávce stála také tramvaj, tak raději přibržďoval a zvonil. Přesto mu do dráhy vstoupila rusovlasá dívka. A reakce Víta Malého? Prošlápnul brzdu až do podlahy, zvonil a doufal, že neuslyší ránu. Ta ale nakonec přišla.

severak 28.6.2020 21:00:55

Russian Criminal Tattoo Archive | FUEL

This unique archive is an exhaustive collection of drawings, photographs and documents relating to the codes and practices of the Russian Criminal Tattoo. All images © FUEL.

severak 25.6.2020 15:09:29

'A chain of stupidity': the Skripal case and the decline of Russia's spy agencies

The long read: The unmasking of the Salisbury poisoning suspects by a new digital journalism outfit was an embarrassment for Putin – and evidence that Russian spies are not what they once were

severak 19.6.2020 10:02:15

Sexual Assault of Women in Ancient Rome | TheCollector


severak 17.6.2020 16:12:06

"All the animations were mine. None of the graphics were."


severak 17.6.2020 10:13:25

The spy with no name

In 1977 a woman thought she had finally tracked down the son she had abandoned as a baby. What followed was an extraordinary tale of deception and heartbreak.

severak 12.6.2020 09:41:12

Windows Explorer Through The Years

At a glance comparison of every major Explorer release

severak 9.6.2020 11:56:11

Čeští bojovníci na Donbasu konvertovali k islámu. Ze zákopů se přesunuli do kuchyňského studia — Hlídací


severak 3.6.2020 10:38:27

The Rise and Fall of Commercial Smalltalk


severak 3.6.2020 09:51:23

Jack the Baboon Once Served as a Railway Employee for 9 Years and Didn’t Commit a Single Mistake


severak 27.5.2020 15:02:58

Why I Quit Google to Work for Myself

For the past four years, I've worked as a software developer at Google. On February 1st, I quit. It was because they refused to buy me a Christmas present.

severak 18.5.2020 16:36:46

Příběh kosmonauta, kterého po rozpadu SSSR nemohli dostat domů na Zemi


severak 18.5.2020 09:19:11


Malxe (Lower Sorbian Małksa) is a river in Brandenburg, Germany. Due to open pit lignite mining, its upper course and lower course have been separated. The upper course, which is also referred to as Malxe-Neiße-Kanal, leads from Döbern along Forst (Lausitz) to Briesnig, where it discharges into the Lusatian Neisse. The Malxe proper, the former lower course, starts at the western edge of the Jänschwalde open pit mine, in Heinersbrück, and flows through Peitz to Schmogrow-Fehrow, where it joins the Hammergraben, forming the Großes Fließ. See also List of rivers of Brandenburg...

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