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A dive into Seoul Metro's Line 9
The Internet Changed My Life
All the growth in the music business now comes from old songs—with consumption of new music actually shrinking. How did we get here, and is there a way back?
Why do so many TV shows and movies look like they were filmed in a gray wasteland?
Naladili nás radioamatéři až v Japonsku, vzpomíná bývalý technik vysílače Topolná
Protest kurýrů digitálního supermarketu upozornil na tajemství "božího jídla bez front". A připomněl, kdo platí za pohodlí spokojených zákazníků.
Carl Størmer (1872-1957) enjoyed a hobby that was very, very unusual at the time. He walked around Oslo, Norway in the 1890s with his spy camera and secretly took everyday pictures of people. The subjects in Størmer's pictures appear in their natural state. It extremely differs from the grave and strict posing trends that dominated in photography during those years.
A Few Things I’ve Learned About Livestreaming
The Billionaires’ Fantasia
It has been very frustrating watching the rise of cryptocurrency (which, forgive me cryptographers, I will be calling "crypto" from here on) because a whole bunch of smart people in tech seem to be very, very excited about it. When good new things show up in tech, I've generally found them intriguing. I'm by no means an early adopter, but once the train is leaving the station I am generally on board. But crypto hasn't grabbed me like that. Every time I dig into crypto I find things that s
The JPEG image format was introduced in 1993 and GIF was released in 1987. Was it possible to watch nude photos on this lovely portable…
As long as there has been digital real estate, there have been digital housing crises, which typically stem from a shortage of digital land.
Chindogu: Japan’s Art of Useless Inventions | Equilibrium Fans
The photographer explains the many layers of intrigue that went into the creation of his book about misinformation in the contemporary media landscape
The most important part of Vectron is the real-time generation and visualization of audio. In the previous blog post I already built a simulated XY oscilloscope which I'll use to visualize the two ste
r/antiwork started as a small corner of far-left Reddit. Then the liberals came.
When I was building the spatial “tool for thought”, Jade, one frequently requested feature was drawing arrows between blocks, so we could make mind maps, flowcharts, etc. Here’s how I made it.
Italian artist Luigi Serafini gives us a look inside the 40th anniversary edition of his beautifully bizarre Codex Seraphinianus.
A response on ivermectin to one of my heroes, Scott Alexander
The director of Dust Devil, Hardware and Color Out of Space recalls dealing drugs to Dario Argento at the cultiest of all London cinemas.
Read to the end for a really good supercut
How I became the internet’s most notorious bike thief - CyclingTips
In a year of scientific breakthroughs — and political failures — what can we learn for the future?
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