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severákova polívka

asi zelňačka (mainly in czech)

(fork of

severak 8.11.2020 13:07:52

Autor knihy o skladech: jejich architektura budí zdání nevyhnutelnosti

Žijeme v době, kdy online nakupování znamená bezpečí. Jaké mají ovšem obří skladovací haly dopady na krajinu i pracovní podmínky? Úskalí rostoucího odvětví logistiky popisuje architekt Tadeáš Říha.

severak 5.10.2020 13:58:26

2020 Entry-Level Cassette Deck Buyer's Guide

Detailed information on the new cassette tape decks available today, and advice for those who are considering purchasing them.

severak 2.10.2020 16:44:08

YouTube's Copyright System Isn't Broken. The World's Is.


severak 18.9.2020 16:24:00

Changelog: Covid Tracing Tracker updates as they happen

Technology Review is running a project to monitor and observe the development and deployment of automated contact tracing apps aimed at curbing the spread of covid-19. Each weekday we review submissions, source information and update our database. This page lists changes, documentation, and reasoning where it is required. If you have a change to submit…

severak 18.9.2020 16:02:09

A flood of coronavirus apps are tracking us. Now it’s time to keep track of them.

There's a deluge of apps that detect your covid-19 exposure, often with little transparency. Our Covid Tracing Tracker project will document them.

severak 18.9.2020 15:48:14

Is a successful contact tracing app possible? These countries think so.

If contact tracing apps are following Gartner’s famous hype cycle, it’s hard to avoid the conclusion they are now firmly in the “trough of disillusionment.” Initial excitement that they could be a crucial part of the arsenal against covid-19 has given way to fears it could all come to nothing, despite large investments of money…

severak 3.9.2020 12:55:34

“I’ve fallen madly in love with a woman” – Queer themes in Tove Jansson’s life and work, part 1


severak 3.9.2020 10:21:08

Why You Can Venmo for “Cocaine” or “Bomb” but Not a “Cubano Sandwich”

And don't even think about writing "Iran" on PayPal.

severak 23.8.2020 20:37:39


severak 21.8.2020 15:10:40

A Karen by Any Other Name

The Covid-19 pandemic has shed an unflattering light on some of our society. More people than I’m comfortable with, when faced with a minor inconvenience, will loudly proffer their opinion that perhaps it would be better if some other people died. This extreme entitlement is often personified in American and...

severak 12.8.2020 09:47:02

Our remote work future is going to suck

Why are we always assuming a distributed workforce is a good thing for the worker?

severak 22.7.2020 11:27:10

Freetekno navázalo na český underground, říkají autoři dokumentu CzechTek

Ilegální party pod otevřeným nebem zvaná CzechTek byla ve své době největším festivalem takzvané freetekno scény ve střední Evropě; těch největších…

severak 21.7.2020 10:57:32

The FBI Is Secretly Using A $2 Billion Travel Company As A Global Surveillance Tool

An unprecedented order on a huge travel company reveals how the FBI tracks suspects around the world.

severak 13.7.2020 10:13:10

Coronavirus: Why everyone was wrong

The immune response to the virus is stronger than everyone thought

severak 2.7.2020 00:57:33

2 Warps to Neptune Going on Hiatus; ‘We Are the Mutants’ Coming Soon


severak 22.5.2020 12:13:23

COVID Underdogs: Mongolia

The best COVID-19 response in the world

severak 18.5.2020 09:48:35

We Chat, They Watch: How International Users Unwittingly Build up WeChat’s Chinese Censorship Apparatus - The Citizen Lab


severak 5.3.2020 11:45:01

150 years ago, a philosopher showed why it’s pointless to start arguments on the internet

Contradictory points of information don’t shift emotionally rooted arguments, but only cause people to dig deeper into their emotions to hold onto those views.

severak 20.2.2020 09:37:22

grocy - ERP beyond your fridge

ERP beyond your fridge - grocy is a web-based self-hosted groceries & household management solution for your home. Open Source. Built with passion.

severak 19.2.2020 23:49:16

Mahna Mahna at 50: fascinating facts about the unforgettable Muppets song | CBC Radio

The Muppets made it famous, but where did the song come from? (Hint: a steamy Italian film...) Who performed it? And who is that fuzzy fella?

severak 25.1.2020 20:30:29

Slow movement (culture)

The slow movement (sometimes capitalised Slow movement or Slow Movement) advocates a cultural shift toward slowing down life's pace. It began with Carlo Petrini's protest against the opening of a McDonald's restaurant in Piazza di Spagna, Rome in 1986 that sparked the creation of the slow food movement. Over time, this developed into a subculture in other areas, like the Cittaslow organisation for "slow cities". The "slow" epithet has subsequently been applied to a variety of activities and aspects of culture. Geir Berthelsen and his creation of The World Institute of Slowness presented a vision in 1999 for an entire "slow planet" and a need to teach the world the way of slowness. Carl Honoré's 2004 book, In Praise of Slow, first explored how the Slow philosophy might be applied in every field of human endeavour and coined the phrase "slow movement". The Financial Times said the book is "to the Slow Movement what Das Kapital is to communism". Honoré describes the Slow Movement thus: "It is a cultural revolution against the notion that faster is always better. The Slow philosophy is not about doing everything at...

severak 21.1.2020 21:19:07

We Finally Figured Out Who Makes wikiHow’s Bizarre Art

Getting to the bottom of one of the internet’s most ridiculously drawn mysteries

severak 17.1.2020 22:17:40

Nátlak a moralizování u ekologických hrozeb nepomůže. Naopak, říká etik Binka

Příroda není rodič s bezednou peněženkou, který „zacvaká“ naše problémy, musíme se chovat dospěle. Myslí si to environmentální etik a filosof Bohuslav Binka z Masarykovy univerzity v Brně. Řešením podle něj není ani nátlak, ani moralizování. Čím dřív však společnost zastaví klimatické změny, tím víc si budeme žít jako dnes, doufá.

severak 13.1.2020 12:21:12

Babišův optimismus je falešný, statisíce lidí mají problémy, extrémně daníme práci, říká Prokop | Aktuálně.cz

Ve školství chybí 40 miliard V Česku je 140 škol, kde je většina Romů, i v Praze je segregovaných škol pět, upozorňuje sociolog Daniel Prokop.

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