An analysis of a chatbot data set by The Washington Post reveals the proprietary, personal, and often offensive websites that go into an AI’s training data.
Jak se ze skupiny Depeche Mode, zpívající o nerovnosti, chudobě a vykořisťování na Západě, která by bez problémů prošla cenzurou, stal v socialistických zemích underground? Depeche Mode dodnes těží z toho, že se ve správný čas ocitli ve správné studené válce.
Roste zájem o hypotéky. Znamená to, že je bytová krize u konce? Jak moc si Češi váží vlastního bydlení? A kolik je stojí?
C’est une histoire à la fois tragique et interpellante. Un jeune Belge, devenu éco-anxieux, a discuté de manière intensive avec le chatbot Eliza. Après six semaines de conversations avec cette intelligence artificielle, le père de famille a mis fin à ses jours. Un suicide qui met en lumière la nécessité d’encadrer l’utilisation de ces nouveaux agents conversationnels.
There is no “AWS for shadow charities”, so how do we run Anna’s Archive?
The godfather of virtual reality has worked beside the web’s visionaries and power-brokers – but likes nothing more than to show the flaws of technology. He discusses how we can make AI work for us, how the internet takes away choice – and why he would ban TikTok
The “bullshit” problem turns up in code, too
With Ships, Birds Find an Easier Way to Travel
How Visual Basic became the world’s most dominant programming environment, its sudden fall from grace, and why its influence is still shaping the future of software development.
Čtvrtek, 12. března 1953 Včera jsem měl v poledne pavlovovský seminář. Celkem je to všecko nekonečně nudné. Už mi několikátý rok dokazují, že...
I write stuff about math, simulation, graphics, gamedev, and programming.
5,006 votes and 701 comments so far on Reddit
Passing for Human: PKD in Vancouver
As AI drum machines embrace humanising imperfections, what does this mean for ‘real’ drummers and the soul of music?
Vydavatelé a novináři by měli přestat prázdně spekulovat o tom, které žurnalistické profese AI vymaže ze světa, a víc se zaměřit na skutečné problémy a…
Lately, AI assistants based on large language models, such as OpenAI’s ChatGPT, have caused considerable excitement. The general idea is that you supply a problem, such as “here’s my Javascript code, why doesn’t it work?”, or “write two paragraphs about the political views of Bertrand Russell”, and the assistant will happily supply you with a solution. There’s good reason for excitement — these models are technically impressive, and they can certainly help us accomplish certain tasks more easily.
Chatbots like Bing are software — not sentient.
More on Bing, particularly the Sydney personality undergirding it: interacting with Sydney has made me completely rethink what conversational AI is important for.
Last week, Microsoft announced the new AI-powered Bing: a search interface that incorporates a language model powered chatbot that can run searches for you and summarize the results, plus do …
Received Pronunciation: history and changes | Cambridge English
Let's review the most important math topics used by game devs, reflect about math education, and discuss techniques that can be used to improve the way we learn new math topics.
Titivillus was a demon said to work on behalf of Belphegor, Lucifer or Satan to introduce errors into the work of scribes. The first reference to Titivillus by name occurred in Tractatus de Penitentia, c. 1285, by Johannes Galensis (John of Wales). Attribution has also been given to Caesarius of Heisterbach. Titivillus has also been described as collecting idle chat that occurs during church service, and mispronounced, mumbled or skipped words of the service, to take to Hell to be counted against the offenders. He has been called the "patron demon of scribes", as Titivillus provides an easy excuse for the errors that are bound to creep into manuscripts as they are copied.Marc Drogin noted in his instructional manual, Medieval Calligraphy: Its History and Technique (1980), that "for the past half-century every edition of The Oxford English Dictionary has listed an incorrect page reference for, of all things, a footnote on the earliest mention of Titivillus." Titivillus gained a broader role as a subversive figure of physical comedy, with satirical commentary on human vanities...
Damien Guard on software development, fonts and technology.
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