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Blame for Beirut Explosion Begins With a Leaky, Troubled Ship
Dějiny všedního dne jsou nakonec mnohem důležitější, než data bitev a jména králů. Proč se neučí? No, ještě jsme se na nich neshodli…
The Summer Games, which were supposed to open this week, have seen their share of cheaters—but none as bold as Boris Onischenko.
This website has been created in an attempt to present a pragmatic view on PHP programming. A view dictated by experience and practical consequence rather than popular trends, theory, or academic dogma.
Why Bernie lost (and how you can too)
Turn your music into a promotional snippet that you can share on social media with a beautiful music visualizer to capture vieweship. Add beautiful visualizers, waveforms, and audio spectrums online with Story Creator. Effortlessly add these elements with the most intuitive online video editor in just a few clicks. This feature works perfectly for podcasters, musicians, voice actors, and more. If you're looking to grow your audience through the power of social media, then this is your tool. You access our other tools and add images, text, effects and more.
The DR Congo’s role in creating the bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki was kept secret for decades, but the legacy of its involvement is still being felt today.
In Japan, you can pay private agents called ‘wakaresaseya’ to seduce your spouse or their partner.
James Hong is everywhere. With 600+ credits under his belt, he might be the most credited actor in Hollywood history.
Underground History
Ever wanted to peel back Chicago’s streets and take a peek underground? At the request of one Curious Citizen, we did just that.
Quantifying the songs that will characterize the ’90s
Výzkumníci ze Stanfordovy univerzity přinesli výzkum, podle nějž se lidé ve Spojených státech seznamují nejčastěji online. „Pro Česko data v takové míře nemáme, ale tento trend je jasný i u nás,“ říká socioložka Markéta Šetinová. „V některých skupinách, například v rámci sexuálních menšin, je online prostředí pro seznamování tím hlavním…
An example of the Fairlight CMI, a groundbreaking synthesizer, is part of our Sound Technologies collection. Discover its fascinating history and influence on pop, rock and hip-hop music.
Ve východní části Českého středohoří se můžete vydat po stopách mladých lidí, kteří na venkově hledali v době 70. a 80. letech svobodu. Jejich příběhy ukazují tupou brutalitu normalizačního režimu, který jejich „baráky“nechal zbourat.
Ilegální party pod otevřeným nebem zvaná CzechTek byla ve své době největším festivalem takzvané freetekno scény ve střední Evropě; těch největších…
This post covers the loading attribute and how it can be used to control the loading of images.
An unprecedented order on a huge travel company reveals how the FBI tracks suspects around the world.
Slavoj Zizek — Trotsky VS Lenin: How to Organise a Revolution
With the pandemic and a global uprising against racial injustice to be explained away, conspiracy communities are bleeding into each other, merging into one gigantic mass of suspicion.
Z čeho pramení ta prapodivná pýcha Sudet?
Former NASA Astronaut Explains How Hygiene Is Different in Space | WIRED
The young technician shut off the electricity at a cellular tower in rural Mexico to begin some routine maintenance. Ein Kapitel österreichischer Startup-Geschichte geht zu Ende
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