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Během dvou dní otestovali na Slovensku tři a půl milionu lidí. V České republice se mají opakovaně na koronavirus testovat desítky tisíc klientů a zaměstnanců domovů pro seniory a dalších zařízení. V Česku i na Slovensku se k takto rozsáhlému testování využívají takzvané antigenní testy. V současné době existuje několik způsobů, jak odhalit v lidském těle přítomnost nového koronaviru.
Concern is growing in Europe over access to vaccine doses during the winter wave of Covid-19. But the city of Tübingen claims to have found a formula to prevent high mortality without a draconian lockdown.
A comprehensive deep dive into the design of Roland's legendary DCO
Vrcholní politici počínaje premiérem Babišem o něm mluví více než půl roku. V jejich podání jde o tajemného muže, jehož excelová tabulka přiměla vládu jednat. Nyní vám ho představíme: Pavel Řehák, bývalý ředitel České pojišťovny.
In a break from the usual GPS/Galileo, DNA and C++ posts, here is a bit on 5G and national security. It turns out that through PowerDNS and its parent company Open-Xchange, we know a lot about how large scale European communication service providers work - most of whom are our customers in some way. In addition, in a previous life I worked in national security and because of that I have relevant knowledge of how governments (your own and foreign ones) “interact” with telecommunication providers.
ελληνικά / Deutsch / Português Welcome! In this post, we’ll be taking a character-by-character look at the source code of the BioNTech/Pfizer SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccine. I want to thank the large cast of people who spent time previewing this article for legibility and correctness. All mistakes remain mine though, but I would love to hear about them quickly at or @PowerDNS_Bert Now, these words may be somewhat jarring - the vaccine is a liquid that gets injected in your arm.
The idea that millions of sperm are on an Olympian race to reach the egg is yet another male fantasy of human reproduction
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) demands a shift in our emissions by a third to avoid utter disaster. KPMG, in the leaden chattiness of corporate powerpoint-ese, sees the same horizon. NASA part-funds a report warning that systemic civilizational collapse ‘is difficult to avoid.’
A six-week, 37-source search for answers.
The coronavirus can cause insomnia and long-term changes in our nervous systems. But sleep could also be a key to ending the pandemic.
The Serviceberry: An Economy of Abundance – Robin Wall Kimmerer
Tropea – Short Trip To Space (1977)
FreeDOS Project: Then and Now [Kielux 2017]
Il Quadro di Troisi, by Il Quadro di Troisi
A vision for empowered computing that reaches back forty years. Our research lab examines why it has been so hard to achieve.
Z prací žáků LDO - distanční výuka od 5.10.2020 1. skupina (2. ročník I. stupně LDO) - zde video 1 video 2 video 3 2.skupina ( 3...
Why do we listen to our favourite music over and over again? Because repeated sounds work magic in our brains
don’t try to procedurally generate something that you can’t already create, dummy
A personal story about creating new products and their unintended consequences
Ohlédnutím za sedmým ročníkem konference Hackers Congress Paralelní Polis je rozhovor Alexandrou Moxin z Kanady. Povídali jsme si o dopadech státní války proti viru, o globálním finančním systému posledních padesáti let a o bitcoinu.
Who will win, a multibillion dollar industry or a couple of txt files?
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