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sofias.' secret queendom of doom

I am new here

severak 2.1.2021 21:28:43

PCR, LAMP, antigenní nebo protilátkové. Každý test na covid má smysl, ale vždy jiný účel

Během dvou dní otestovali na Slovensku tři a půl milionu lidí. V České republice se mají opakovaně na koronavirus testovat desítky tisíc klientů a zaměstnanců domovů pro seniory a dalších zařízení. V Česku i na Slovensku se k takto rozsáhlému testování využívají takzvané antigenní testy. V současné době existuje několik způsobů, jak odhalit v lidském těle přítomnost nového koronaviru.

severak 2.1.2021 21:19:42

German Town Finds a Blueprint for Lowering Covid-19 Deaths

Concern is growing in Europe over access to vaccine doses during the winter wave of Covid-19. But the city of Tübingen claims to have found a formula to prevent high mortality without a draconian lockdown.

severak 2.1.2021 18:59:13

The Design of the Roland Juno oscillators - Thea Flowers

A comprehensive deep dive into the design of Roland's legendary DCO

severak 31.12.2020 19:36:14

Tajemný muž, který na jaře „zachránil Česko“? Exředitel České pojišťovny - Seznam Zprávy

Vrcholní politici počínaje premiérem Babišem o něm mluví více než půl roku. V jejich podání jde o tajemného muže, jehož excelová tabulka přiměla vládu jednat. Nyní vám ho představíme: Pavel Řehák, bývalý ředitel České pojišťovny.

severak 27.12.2020 15:34:27

5G: The outsourced elephant in the room - Articles

In a break from the usual GPS/Galileo, DNA and C++ posts, here is a bit on 5G and national security. It turns out that through PowerDNS and its parent company Open-Xchange, we know a lot about how large scale European communication service providers work - most of whom are our customers in some way. In addition, in a previous life I worked in national security and because of that I have relevant knowledge of how governments (your own and foreign ones) “interact” with telecommunication providers.

severak 27.12.2020 14:27:57

Reverse Engineering the source code of the BioNTech/Pfizer SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine - Articles

ελληνικά / Deutsch / Português Welcome! In this post, we’ll be taking a character-by-character look at the source code of the BioNTech/Pfizer SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccine. I want to thank the large cast of people who spent time previewing this article for legibility and correctness. All mistakes remain mine though, but I would love to hear about them quickly at or @PowerDNS_Bert Now, these words may be somewhat jarring - the vaccine is a liquid that gets injected in your arm.

severak 26.12.2020 11:56:11

The idea that sperm race to the egg is just another macho myth – Robert D Martin | Aeon Essays

The idea that millions of sperm are on an Olympian race to reach the egg is yet another male fantasy of human reproduction

severak 23.12.2020 00:07:56

SALVAGE: China Miéville : The Limits of Utopia

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) demands a shift in our emissions by a third to avoid utter disaster. KPMG, in the leaden chattiness of corporate powerpoint-ese, sees the same horizon. NASA part-funds a report warning that systemic civilizational collapse ‘is difficult to avoid.’

severak 22.12.2020 01:28:53

The Mysterious Link Between COVID-19 and Sleep

The coronavirus can cause insomnia and long-term changes in our nervous systems. But sleep could also be a key to ending the pandemic.

severak 18.12.2020 16:19:19

The Serviceberry: An Economy of Abundance – Robin Wall Kimmerer


severak 18.12.2020 15:57:55

Tropea ‎– Short Trip To Space (1977)


severak 17.12.2020 11:39:12

FreeDOS Project: Then and Now [Kielux 2017]


severak 15.12.2020 22:59:13

Il Quadro di Troisi, by Il Quadro di Troisi


severak 15.12.2020 14:56:27

End-user programming

A vision for empowered computing that reaches back forty years. Our research lab examines why it has been so hard to achieve.

severak 12.12.2020 20:08:19

Distanční výuka LDO

Z prací žáků  LDO  - distanční výuka od 5.10.2020 1. skupina (2. ročník I. stupně LDO) -  zde video 1       video 2        video 3 2.skupina ( 3...

severak 7.12.2020 11:36:44

Why repetition can turn almost anything into music – Elizabeth Hellmuth Margulis | Aeon Essays

Why do we listen to our favourite music over and over again? Because repeated sounds work magic in our brains

severak 7.12.2020 10:39:08

(*My) Procedurally Generated Music is Awful

don’t try to procedurally generate something that you can’t already create, dummy

severak 5.12.2020 14:30:16

That time I accidentally built a spying app | With Blue Ink

A personal story about creating new products and their unintended consequences

severak 1.12.2020 16:42:50


severak 26.11.2020 23:05:22


severak 25.11.2020 20:13:08

Loneliness and me

severak 25.11.2020 10:54:17

Acid Machine 2

Acid, in your browser

severak 24.11.2020 13:19:55

Filozofie a bitcoin z vás udělají lepšího člověka

Ohlédnutím za sedmým ročníkem konference Hackers Congress Paralelní Polis je rozhovor Alexandrou Moxin z Kanady. Povídali jsme si o dopadech státní války proti viru, o globálním finančním systému posledních padesáti let a o bitcoinu.

severak 23.11.2020 23:23:54

Ad block and you don't stop

Who will win, a multibillion dollar industry or a couple of txt files?

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