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severákova polívka

asi zelňačka (mainly in czech)

(fork of

severak 10.1.2023 18:04:11

Rjalker: Here’s how to make The Murderbot Diaries 80% less casually transphobic, for each book and short story published so far as of 11/21/22

This post is literally just me picking out a section from each book and adding in things to explicitly establish Murderbot’s pronouns, normalize the characters asking eachother what their pronouns are/listing them in their fucking brainchip social media profiles, and maybe even more importantly, making it so that sex is not equated with gender.Murderbot and all the other bots and constructs so far being agender because they’re all robots (shut up if you’re going to argue semantics) who don’t have genitals is transphobic.
