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FreeDOS Project: Then and Now [Kielux 2017]
Il Quadro di Troisi, by Il Quadro di Troisi
A vision for empowered computing that reaches back forty years. Our research lab examines why it has been so hard to achieve.
Z prací žáků LDO - distanční výuka od 5.10.2020 1. skupina (2. ročník I. stupně LDO) - zde video 1 video 2 video 3 2.skupina ( 3...
Why do we listen to our favourite music over and over again? Because repeated sounds work magic in our brains
don’t try to procedurally generate something that you can’t already create, dummy
A personal story about creating new products and their unintended consequences
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jinak v Ne se konala Horečka Václava Hraběte a věšáky opět spadly (stabilních 80 diváků).
Ohlédnutím za sedmým ročníkem konference Hackers Congress Paralelní Polis je rozhovor Alexandrou Moxin z Kanady. Povídali jsme si o dopadech státní války proti viru, o globálním finančním systému posledních padesáti let a o bitcoinu.
Who will win, a multibillion dollar industry or a couple of txt files?
Microsoft FrontPage has its thorns, but don't discount the fact that those thorns are attached to a rose.
If you have followed Windows 10 at all during the last few years, you know that the Windows Subsystem for Linux, or WSL for short, is the hot topic among developers. You can finally run your Linux tooling on Windows as a first class citizen, which means you no longer have to learn PowerShell or, god forbid, suffer through the ancient CMD.EXE console. Unfortunately, not everything is as rosy as it sounds.
The personal website of Jeffrey Paul.
The antics in postwar Nordic children’s books left propaganda and prudery behind. We need this madcap spirit more than ever
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