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asi zelňačka (mainly in czech)

(fork of

severak 16.8.2019 09:33:38

A Buttplug Hacker Talks Security, Consent, and Why He Hacked a Buttplug

Voting machines weren’t the only thing getting penetrated at DEF CON this year.

severak 16.8.2019 09:27:33

Proběhlo setkání bílých heterosexuálních vlastenců. Došlo i na jazyky


severak 14.8.2019 17:09:00

Google tweaks algorithm to show less porn when searching for ‘lesbian’ content

Just last month, if you were to type ‘lesbian’ into Google, you’d be faced with a wall of pornographic imagery. However Google has changed its algorithm.

severak 24.7.2019 14:17:06

Toilets of the World / The Toilet Guru

Toilets from all around the world and throughout history, from the Indiana Jones and Ansel Adams of latrines. Foreign, funny, and strange toilets. All this and more on the Toilets of the World.

severak 23.7.2019 10:39:48

A Fake Nude of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Was Debunked By Foot Fetishists

Wikifeet foiled an attempt to shame the congresswoman with a fake Instagram post.

severak 13.7.2019 19:05:24

How to Be Okay with Having a Communist Friend

Human beings are social species. We gravitate towards one another based on several factors. As we earn each other's trust and friendship, we must learn to deal with our differences. A most common difference that can feel personal is our...

severak 10.7.2019 13:00:30

Posters Urge Atlanta Residents Not to Dump Trash on White Supremacists' Properties - It's Going Down

The following report from the Atlanta, Georgia area details an evolving situation in the region centered around white nationalist organizers who also are involved in local real estate. To read a background of white nationalists in Atlanta involved in the real estate market, go here. Sam Dickson is a notorious white power organizer and Atlanta …

severak 7.7.2019 12:13:03

r/Damnthatsinteresting - Every morning, 72 year-old Stephen Mckears kept finding his tools that he'd left on his workbench the day before—stored back in his toolbox. He put a camera on his workbench overnight and it revealed a mouse that spent two hours every night putting everything back in the toolbox!

Every morning, 72 year-old Stephen Mckears kept finding his tools that he'd left on his workbench the day before—stored back in his toolbox. He put a camera on his workbench overnight and it revealed a mouse that spent two hours every night putting everything back in the toolbox!

severak 4.7.2019 10:21:53

What It's Like To Drive The Worst Car In The World | Jason Drives


severak 4.7.2019 10:21:41

Hoffmann (automobile)

The 1951 Hoffmann is a three-wheeled car created by Michael Hoffmann, a shop foreman from Munich. It is considered by some to be the worst car ever made, owing to its pervasively bizarre design decisions that make the vehicle uncomfortable and cumbersome to operate. Only one Hoffmann was ever made; it is currently part of the collection at the Lane Motor Museum in Nashville, Tennessee, USA. Design The car is notable for its plethora of unconventional and often user-hostile design elements. These include: Windows that are raised or lowered with a strap that the user pulls, and held in place with eyelets and pegs Suicide doors and a driving position that make ingress and egress extremely difficult A starter awkwardly placed by the driver's right hip A fuel filler tube which goes from the roof, directly through the cabin of the car Front wheels that are farther apart than the length of the wheelbase A linear rather than H-shaped shift pattern with a neutral between each gear The rear wheel is placed immediately behind the driver, with a large portion of the car...

severak 25.6.2019 10:10:29

Není mu rozumět a má neobvyklý smích. Španělského komika proslavila jediná show a internetoví vtipálci

Vděčné video pro internetové vtipy na aktuální témata. Tím se postupně stalo vystoupení komika El Risitase neboli Smíška v roce 2007 ve španělské televizi. Jeho vyprávění a záchvaty smíchu už nejmíň čtyři roky v Česku kolují v různých verzích po sociálních sítích s pozměněnými titulky. Kdo je ve skutečnosti bodrý chlapík z videa a o čem nesrozumitelnou španělštinou hovoří? Pro pořad 168 hodin po tom pátral redaktor Martin Mikule.

severak 14.5.2019 12:19:42

The TRUTH About Black Helicopters!

Herein is revealed the never-before-exposed TRUTH about the origins, traits, and purposes of Black Helicopters!

severak 7.5.2019 11:54:31

‘Home Alone’ Is So Much Better if Kevin McCallister is Dead

Ever wonder why Macaulay Culkin’s family hated their cute little 8-year-old so much in the Christmas classic? Here’s why.

severak 9.4.2019 13:57:47

The worst volume control UI in the world

A group of bored developers and designers has decided to start a thread on reddit to figure out who can came up with the worst volume…

severak 15.3.2019 10:10:43

Na maďarských billboardech na podporu porodnosti se objevil pár ze slavného memu

Porodnost má podle Orbánova týmu podpořit pár ze slavného memu Distracted Boyfriend, v němž se mladík otáčí za jinou ženou.

severak 14.3.2019 15:35:15

San Escobar

San Escobar is a non-existent country, a blunder of Polish Minister of Foreign Affairs Witold Waszczykowski.On 10 January 2017, Waszczykowski told reporters that, in a bid for a non-permanent seat for Poland on the UN Security Council, he had meetings with officials from various countries, including some Caribbean nations, with some of them "perhaps for the first time in the history of our diplomacy. For example with countries such as San Escobar or Belize". Internet phenomenon A governmental spokeswoman said it had been a slip of the tongue for "San Cristóbal y Nieves", which is Spanish for Saint Kitts and Nevis. News about San Escobar swept over numerous media outlets all over the world.As a result, the country gained a significant presence on the Internet, and was spontaneously given a fictitious identity on social media (Twitter, Facebook), including a flag (blue, white, and green stripes, with a yellow 5-pointed star in a red triangle), photos and maps. The Facebook page was created by Jarek Kubicki, a member of the Razem political party. Within a day the hashtag #SanEscobar was tracked...

severak 13.3.2019 10:52:59

Francouzský kampus přišel o svůj klitoris... Už zase

Z areálu francouzské univerzity v Poitiers zmizela socha obřího klitorisu, a to už podruhé.

severak 11.3.2019 15:35:11

Kočka ve Zlíně napadla rodinu, odchytit ji museli strážníci


severak 28.2.2019 15:29:12

Here’s Why Juicero’s Press is So Expensive – Ben Einstein – Medium

Hidden away in Juicero’s bad week of press is one of the most powerful lessons we preach to hardware startups: unconstrained development…

severak 22.2.2019 17:14:30

Změna je smrt

Komentář Jana Moláčka: Taky jste se kdysi učili, že změna je život? Už to neplatí. Dnes spousta lidí vnímá bezmála každou změnu jako smrt, a to rovnou celé západní civilizace. Předpovědí zániku našeho světa je v poslední době tolik, že už si jeden nestíhá ani dělat čárky. Jezdí teď trojka...

severak 15.2.2019 10:06:03

Opráski sčeskí historje si hrají na Hellboye. Přečtěte si nový příběh Křižíka


severak 13.2.2019 13:55:39

K modelce se při focení na pláži rozběhlo prase a kouslo ji do zadku -

Venezuelská modelka Michelle Lewinová (32) dlouho nezapomene na focení na Bahamách. Když byla na pláži, přiběhlo k ní prase a kouslo ji do zadku. Fitness modelka se neobvyklým útokem pochlubila na sociálních sítích.

severak 24.1.2019 17:12:19

Za telefon s dvanáct let starou platformou chtějí neuvěřitelnou sumu -

Ruská lifestylová značka Caviar rozšířila své portfolio o zcela novou modelovou řadu Tsar. Ctí nadále zaměření značky, z obvyklé nabídky se přesto vymyká. Jde totiž o luxusní tlačítkové telefony, jejichž vzhled se inspiroval meči skandinávských válečníků a vůdců. Novinky nesou označení Rurik a Ragnar.

severak 15.1.2019 15:27:50

'Africa' By Toto Is Playing Endlessly Somewhere In The Namibian Desert

Artist Max Siedentopf​ has set up a solar-powered sound installation in the coastal Namib Desert to play on loop

see more...
