severákova polívka

asi zelňačka (mainly in czech)

(fork of

severak 3.6.2019 12:25:47

How the news took over reality

The long read: Is engagement with current affairs key to being a good citizen? Or could an endless torrent of notifications be harming democracy as well as our wellbeing?

severak 3.6.2019 10:31:24

The prison inside: Japan's hikikomori lack relationships, not physical spaces | The Japan Times

Fifty-three-year-old Kenji Yamase doesn't fit the traditional image of a hikikomori, but then perceptions of Japan's social recluses are changing. "People

severak 21.5.2019 11:32:40

The Convivial Society, No. 17: Arduous Interfaces

"Hospitality was a condition consequent on a good society in politics, *politaea*, and by now might be the starting point of *politaea*, of politics. But this is difficult because hospitality requires...

severak 18.5.2019 18:39:14

Pod vrstvou prachu. „Varg jen napsal, že má problémy s policií,“ vzpomíná ve Špíně metalový archivář

V 80. letech propadl metalu a všem jeho podobám. Od té doby vymetal všechny akce v pražských kulturácích i ilegální burzy s deskami, kde párkrát zažil i policejní šťáru. Z obalů a letáčků zahraničních kapel pak opisoval adresy, aby se spojil s oblíbenými kapelami. Pamětník Jakub Jodl přišel do Špíny zavzpomínat na dopisování s norskými blackmetalisty nebo na to, jak ho Euronymous pověřil spravovat tuzemskou pobočku slavného metalového labelu Deathlike Silence Czechoslovakia.

severak 15.5.2019 09:43:19


KOReader is a document viewer for E Ink devices. It supports PDF, DjVu, XPS, CBT, CBZ, FB2, PDB, TXT, HTML, RTF, CHM, EPUB, DOC, MOBI, and ZIP files. It currently runs on Kindle, Kobo, PocketBook, Ubuntu Touch and Android devices.

severak 12.5.2019 23:55:24

Globální oteplování kontra inženýři

Diskuze s oteplovači je pokaždé zábavná a povědomí o tom, že klima si dělá, co chce, pomalu proniká i do české kotliny.

severak 9.5.2019 12:20:45

The dodgy, vulnerable fame of YouTube's child ASMR stars

Right now, children are filming themselves chewing, whispering and tapping to give their adult audience an ASMR buzz.

severak 29.4.2019 14:00:00

Digitally China Podcast: The Inside Story of China's Viral 996 Protests


severak 23.4.2019 16:40:55

How Social Media Killed Internet Art Communities

Zany, early creative communities like DeviantArt and have been steamrolled by homogenous social media platforms.

severak 25.2.2019 10:56:32

The psychiatrist who didn’t believe in mental illness – Holly Case | Aeon Essays

Even in the decade of dissent, Thomas Szasz stood alone when he attacked the idea of madness from the political right

severak 15.2.2019 17:05:20

Charlie Morrow Creates Soundscapes That Mimic How We Hear

Where are you reading this story right now? Perhaps you're in a bustling coffee shop or cozied up on the couch by a woodstove with...

severak 5.11.2018 09:43:49

My Amazon Interview Horror Story | Igor Kromin

It must be that time of the year that Amazon's vampires, err, I mean recruiters awaken, come out of the woodwork and try to gather new initiates. Indeed it is very fitting that this is happening around Halloween! Two years ago, after a rather unpleasant interview process, I asked to be put on a do-not-contact register so I thought that I'd never have to hear from an Amazonian again, yet just like in the plot of Groundhog Day, here I am reading yet another email from an Amazon recruiter asking to talk to me about a possible opportunity. Will this horror never end?

severak 8.10.2018 11:08:44

A Warning From Europe: The Worst Is Yet to Come

Polarization. Conspiracy theories. Attacks on the free press. An obsession with loyalty. Recent events in the United States follow a pattern Europeans know all too well.

severak 8.10.2018 11:08:33

Má soukromá rusofobie: Jak se naučit žít s ruskými imigranty v Praze?

Před pěti lety jsem se rozhodl, že přesunu své místo bydliště a zkusím si najít práci v zahraničí. Odstěhoval jsem se do Londýna. Čtyři roky jsem žil v kosmopolitní společnosti plné různých národností a kultur, a se žádnou jsem nikdy neměl problém. Rasisté a xenofobové mi byli k smíchu a často jsem proti nim hrdě vystupoval svými tolerantními názory. Dokud jsem se nepřestěhoval zpátky do Prahy.

severak 3.10.2018 23:54:05

The Bizarre Tale of the ‘Dinosaur Artist’ Who Trafficked in Stolen Fossils


severak 2.10.2018 16:55:40

Ideology Is the Original Augmented Reality - MITP on Nautilus

Released in July 2016, Pokémon Go is a location-based, augmented-reality game for mobile devices, typically played on mobile phones; players use the device’s GPS and camera to capture, battle, and...

severak 8.9.2018 22:14:52

Lunch with the FT: Andrej Babiš

The Czech Republic’s billionaire politician on why it’s wrong to compare him to Berlusconi and why he hates politics but won’t quit

severak 8.9.2018 21:36:44

Nový Prostor | Články | Dějiny jednoho domu (Tomáš Havlín)

Než upadl do stádia klinické smrti, nabídl mi zkušenost života v komunitě. Jako centrum spolkového dění ovšem sloužil už dávno. O kom je řeč? O Dělnickém domu na Spolkové, slavném brněnském „téhácéčku“.  

severak 30.8.2018 14:30:05

Proč Dagi není programátor

Pokračuji v reflexi témat z jOpenSpace. Tentokrát o Dagiho ‎příspěvku o tom, že programátory po čtyřicítce zůstávají jen looseři. ‎Dagiho určitě není možné p...

severak 30.8.2018 10:26:13

Naked-Mole-Rat Queens Control Their Subjects by Having Them Eat Poop

Feces turn subordinates into better caretakers for the colony’s pups.

severak 8.8.2018 11:24:43

Why Basic Jobs Are Better Than Basic Incomes – Member Feature Stories – Medium

It's time to think beyond Universal Basic Income. Rather than paying everybody to do nothing, let's give people Basic Jobs to build communities, livelihoods, and small-scale economies.

severak 5.8.2018 11:58:02

Terry Pratchett - Online Radio Interview with the Author

Interview with Terry Pratchett, the international bestselling author of the Discworld series. Listen to free online radio interviews of bestselling fantasy and science fiction authors on The Author Hour: Your Guide to Fantastic Fiction with Matthew Peterson.

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