severákova polívka

asi zelňačka (mainly in czech)

(fork of

severak 24.10.2021 23:09:33

It Has Been Twenty Years Since Fabio Killed A Goose With His Face On A Roller Coaster

It might be the most internet-ready thing to happen before the internet became the internet

severak 23.10.2021 12:06:37

Piráti a vypuštění pohlaví z průkazů


severak 22.10.2021 11:12:31

MOSFET – The Most significant invention of the 20th Century


severak 20.10.2021 09:37:20

In 2013 Timothy Koeth of

received a metal cube with a note: “Taken from the reactor that Hitler tried to build. Gift of Ninninger.” The story of that uranium cube, by Koeth and Miriam Hiebert, is in the May issue of PT (thread)

severak 19.10.2021 00:20:49

Agatha Christie's Poirot

Title Designer Pat Gavin puts order and method (and his little grey cells) to work for ITV’s Agatha Christie’s Poirot.

severak 17.10.2021 18:14:08

An Introduction to Post-Soviet Post-Punk with Ploho and Molchat Doma —


severak 10.10.2021 22:41:09

Aint done nothing if you ain't been called a red


severak 29.9.2021 00:52:45

An Introduction to Post-Soviet Post-Punk with Ploho and Molchat Doma —


severak 27.9.2021 00:13:20

Moiré no more

Low-traffic (once every 50 days) newsletter with keyboard stories and updates on the progress of the book about the history of keyboards. Subscribe and get instant access to cool secret stuff! Posts by Marcin Wichary.

severak 20.9.2021 11:35:00

4chord MIDI

The 4 Chord USB MIDI keyboard. Play all those hit pop songs using the infamous four chord progression (I-V-vi-IV) with just a press of a few buttons.

severak 19.9.2021 21:30:52

Casio Keyboards: A Big Idea, Synthesized

Casio claimed it could fit the sounds of dozens of musical instruments into its keyboards. Maybe it wasn't totally true, but the Casiotone gave us a lot.

severak 19.9.2021 00:26:58

Heroin Holiday in the Czech Republic


severak 17.9.2021 14:23:56

Pod čarou: Vzpomínky na ticho. Proč hluk přebíjíme dalšími hluky? - Seznam Zprávy

V newsletteru Pod čarou každou sobotu Matouš Hrdina popisuje společenské trendy, které sice vídáme všude kolem sebe, ale v přílivu každodenního zpravodajství trochu zanikají mezi řádky. Přečtěte si ukázku.

severak 2.9.2021 22:33:12

The Scandalous History of the Last Rotor Cipher Machine

How this gadget figured in the shady Rubicon spy case

severak 2.9.2021 11:22:06

Pojednání o (ne)originalitě populární hudby


severak 1.9.2021 11:23:20

BTS, Hell Joseon, and the Give-Up Generations

Most fans of BTS are acutely aware of the group’s tendency to include socially conscious lyrics in many of their songs. In a few of their…

severak 27.8.2021 14:51:18

So you want to write a GUI framework

Through several recent discussions of GUI programming in Rust,I have been left with the impression that the term ‘GUI’ means significantlydifferent things to...

severak 26.8.2021 08:47:34


There was quite a kerfuffle recently about a feature being removed from Google Chrome. To be honest, the details don’t really matter for the point I want to make, but for the record, this was about removing alert and confirm dialogs from cross-origin iframes (and eventually everywhere else too).

severak 24.8.2021 16:54:49

Attack of the giant rodents or class war? Argentina’s rich riled by new neighbors

Hordes of capybaras have taken up residence at a gated community, sparking a debate on the environment and inequality

severak 23.8.2021 15:18:50

Bad Information

Conspiracy theories like QAnon are ultimately a social problem rather than a cognitive one. We should blame politics, not the faulty reasoning of individuals.

severak 23.8.2021 12:00:58

Niantic’s CEO believes the metaverse could be a ‘dystopian nightmare’

John Hanke, the head of the gaming company behind ‘Pokémon Go,’ says the so-called metaverse could be humans’ greatest creation—or its worst nightmare.

severak 27.7.2021 14:26:32

The Essential... Yellow Magic Orchestra

Mikey IQ Jones selects the essential tracks by pioneering Japanese synth pop outfit Yellow Magic Orchestra.

severak 23.7.2021 14:56:17

Právo na opravu: Z diskuze vyplouvají konkrétní případy kurvítek od Applu, Samsungu i Microsoftu

O „právu na opravu“ se mluví po celém světě. V Austrálii připravuje legislativu tamní Productivity Commission, zatím je ve fázi mapování trhu a rozhovorů s odborníky. Jedním z nich je i Kyle Wiens, šéf společnosti iFixit, která se zabývá

severak 23.7.2021 14:52:53

Je snazší hádat se o sloup než řešit důchodovou reformu. Kulturní války jsou úhybný manévr, říká Hesová

Způsob, jak se v Česku a obecně ve střední Evropě dělá politika, se mění. Do popředí se namísto tradičních témat, jako jsou třeba různé reformy, dostávají otázky hodnot, identity a společenských norem. „Kulturní války jsou pro nás jevem, který onu zásadní změnu v politice doprovází nebo ji do určité míry způsobuje,“ říká politoložka Zora…

severak 22.7.2021 18:36:56

(Hon. Mention) Mapping Divided Berlin: The Politics of Under- and Over- Representation


severak 21.7.2021 16:58:56

The Blog of Tom Froese — Tom Froese

Illustration tips, news, and updates from the studio of illustrator and Skillshare teacher Tom Froese.

see more...
